{{Today I am linked with Lisa Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday. Here is how it works…. One word prompt. Five minutes. Lots of women. Equals a great time.}}
Sometimes the needs on my heart can seem so big. Almost so big that they seem impossible. There are times that I sit & wonder if it is even worth it to bring to Him in prayer? After all, the needs are big & nothing can change THOSE situations. I can develop an attitude that says, “They are what they are & I will have to just accept it for what it is.” The reality is not that the needs or situations are big but something that I do not want to admit…..
It is that my faith is small.
Yet Scripture tells me, “If you have faith like a mustard seed…”. I know, I know. That smallest seed sprouts into one of the largest trees. The smallest amount of faith can move mountains. Change impossibilities into do-ables. And isn’t that what is needed right now?
In reading the word prompt, SMALL, I find myself praying. Praying for needs that seem large at the moment. Looming. Bigger than life right now. And in praying about them this morning, a strange thing began to happen –
My needs become SMALL when I place them before my BIG God.
Why have I never realized how it works?
The object focused on will become magnified. And the other will shrink.
My five minutes of writing is almost over but today will be a day of remembering & praise for my God Who is big enough to carry my needs for me. For in His hands, my needs are truly small.
You don’t have enough faith,†Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.â€
(Matthew 17:20 NLT)
Today I am linked with Five Minute Friday and Faith Filled Friday and Fellowship Fridays and Essential Fridays and Friday Flash Blog and Bible Love Notes and Faithful Friday and Friendship Friday .
Good Morning friend~ Your post made me think of something I read in Donald Miller’s Storyline yesterday.
OOPS…hit the wrong key- Here’s what I read…
The only descriptor we have of man before the fall is their identity was so wrapped up in God they could walk around naked and not know it.
To be so wrapped up in God is to know how BIG He really is- love you lady.
Blessings to you!
Lori – Love the quote. How true to be so wrapped up in Him that we would be totally unaware of anything else. As I thought about it…I realized we can do it as so many times I can be reading & everything else is blocked out around me. Thanks so much for sharing this thought today!
Well said! So glad I stopped in to read this today! And, so glad that God is so much bigger than all of my problems. When I begin to magnify the Lord, the problems begin to shrink. I remember talking about mustard seed faith and giving out little ziplock bags full of mustard seeds to the congregation. It’s such a little seed, but can grow to over 8 feet tall. Thanks for adding to my day!
Alli – What a great visual to hand people! I love that! Thanks for stopping here 🙂
Oh how I can relate…I too struggle with small faith. It is usually after the fact when I can see how much God has his hands in different situations in my life…but at the time I have a hard time believing!
Kristin –
May we remember what we have learned & apply it to the next situation at hand & have faith! Thanks for stopping here today 🙂
So true! My thoughts today were similar when I saw the prompt!
There were many of us that had this thought. Just think of all the small faith that is trusting Him & growing today 🙂
I am so encouraged by this post, especially what you said about the thing being focused on will be magnified and everything else will seem to shrink in comparison. It’s so easy to let things get out of focus! I’m going to focus on the Lord today and let my problems shrink as well. Thank you!
It is so easy to get out of focus. Reading your comment made me realize that maintaining our focus will take determination on our part. Glad you stopped by!
Thank you for the reminder 🙂 He is a mighty God and has our best interest at heart, even when we are waiting and waiting and waiting for those prayers to be answered. So thankful to serve an awesome God!
Yes – even when we are waiting, He has our best interest at heart. Waiting means He knows the exact time to answer our prayers. Glad you shared!
You and I went a very similar direction with this prompt today and I, too was reminded of that verse. Loved your post and thank you for the beautiful reminder. I also needed to remember today that even when our faith is small, God can use it to accomplish amazing things if we come to Him.
It seems several of us had that very same verse come to mind. Love that God works that way. May we remember in the days ahead that our small faith can accomplish much. Have a great weekend!
What a great post! I love what you have said here about the power of prayer and the awesome nature of our big God! Praise God that in His presence our problems get smaller. Love this!
Thanks for sharing at Essential Fridays.
Mel from Essential Thing Devotions
It’s amazing how God’s word can resonate in our hearts and make us see our situation with new eyes. Thank you for your perspective and the reminder that our God is so BIG!
Very encouraging thoughts!
Thanks for linking up my Friday Flash Blog on The Jenny Evolution. I’m back from vacation in central Colorado and ready for a great party this week. See you there!
Thank you so much for this reminder … our country today has been deluged with much rain and almost half of the city is flooded. after reading your response to the prompt, i am praying that my fellow Filipinos will embrace the awesome God we have who is sovereign rather than focus on the challenges of the days ahead … may each one of us always remember that HE is faithful, loving us even if we fail to trust HIM.
Before replying to this comment, I prayed for your city & the people. May God be with you as you encourage those around you in the midst of the challenges.