Do you ever go back to read something you have already read years ago, or perhaps even written? I recently did just so, and thought perhaps it was meant to be shared once again. So today I am sharing a post from 2017 …
“I solemnly urge you in the presence of God and Christ Jesus, who will someday judge the living and the dead when he comes to set up his Kingdom: Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching. For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths.
But you should keep a clear mind in every situation.”
(2 Timothy 4:1-5a, NLT)
Returning to look at this again, the word “preach” stands out as the thought comes that I have not been called to “preach”. And it’s true. To a point. But each of our lives does in effect, preach. We are called to share the Truth.
So the question becomes – “How are we to do this?”
- Always be prepared. Whether we feel like it, or not. Whether it is convenient, or not.
- Patiently correct. Don’t get angry when bringing correction. A correction, when not done in and with grace, can do more harm than good.
- Speak truth. God’s. It will not always be received but we must share His Truth, not diluting it to make it more desirable.
- Keep our minds clear. We need to stay alert – able to discern trends in religion and false teachings.
Keeping a clear mind in every situation can be challenging, especially with the many voices heard at any given time on social media.
To keep a clear mind, or to use a modern idiom – “to keep one’s head” – is the ability to remain calm and sensible when in an awkward situation that might otherwise cause someone to panic or go out of control.
We are to become more of the solution or answer, rather than the butane in a conversation. The balm rather than the abrasive.
Let’s keep our heads.
Better yet –
Let’s keep a clear mind in every situation.
We can so plead for change and resist change. Most often this is because we want the a particular change rather than surrender. “Perhaps in the face of impatience in our current situations a shift to surrendered trust in God’s plans and guidance offers the real change we so desperately need.” Donna Boucher brings much encouragement regarding change and surrender can be found in her post, “Impatient for Change” HERE.
Come, sit a spell. Bring your coffee, your posts, and your thoughts. If you link up, kindly visit those who have drawn up a seat around you.
Image by Jakub Kopczyński from Pixabay
Isn’t it amazing how when we return to passages of scripture time and again we see something “new” or understand a concept in a different way? I love your advice about “keeping our heads”, as we remember our lives do “preach” something.
May we choose to allow our lives to speak the gospel message of love and reconciliation, not condemnation.
Thank you for featuring my recent article here too! I am so blessed by your friendship!
I am often amazed at how a familiar verse can bring a different thought. Scripture truly is alive and living, bringing a message each time we read.
Joanne, I am always awed by how the scriptures speak with fresh meaning and depth in the different seasons of my life and times of our age.
It’s so true, Debbie. Even if I read the same verses for several days in a row, each day I notice something different or new in that same portion. I’m learning to approach reading Scripture by asking, “What will You show me today?”
We are carriers of His Presence and His Peace, Joanne, which makes a huge difference. The chiropractor mentioned this morning that one of his clients yesterday was a carrier of chaos and fear, and he was still shaking his head about it. We each choose what we will cultivate in our hearts which is what will come out of our mouths when we speak to others.
“We each choose what we will cultivate in our hearts which is what will come out of our mouths when we speak to others.” Such a powerful statement. It is up to each one of us to cultivate our hearts.
Patiently correct!
I am going to carry this into my afternoon with young children!
Your words, “butane in a conversation,” caught my eye. I do NOT want to be the person that starts a fire of rage in a situation; but maybe I DO want to get people on fire for the Lord. I think it all comes down to being led of the Holy Spirit when using our words.
Good point, Jerralea. It’s all a matter of how we use the butane 🙂
It’s interesting how reading something in a different translation will show us something we didn’t get in the one we’re used to. How we need to keep clear minds–ones washed clean and filled with God’s truth. It’s so easy to get muddled these days.
It sure is easy to get muddled these days, Barbara. And that’s a great word. Cloudy, mixed up, muddy. May the Lord give us discernment so that we see clearly and stay clear-minded.
Great advice here Joanne!
I do this often too, in fact I have a tradition at the beginning of each new year to read over my journal entries from the year just ended.
It’s a wonderful & encouraging time in revealing a year of what God has taught me, answered prayer & the blessings He has given.
Blessings sweet friend, Jennifer
The Timothy verse always seem “timely.” Its wisdom (like all of God’s words) is timeless! One thing that struck me today in this verse is the first instruction to be in the presence of God. He gives us the words, and He the gives us the direction to pay attention to what really matters — and to turn away from “the many heard voices” He does not want us to ingest.
Lynn, you have made such a good point. It’s all in the turning. We must turn to and turn away, at the same time. I’m thankful you shared!
Joanne, I may use your “keep your head” idiom idea for a future post on my Words, Wit, and Wisdom: Life Lessons from English Expressions blog. Thank you for the idea.
I love that you would use it. It’s nice to know we can give one another ideas.
Thanks for providing this opportunity to share and to learn from others! I am always amazed at how the same text (my own, a bible verse or a book) will hit me in different ways, depending on the timing or circumstances! I believe that’s often God sending me momentary messages/gifts and I often call these “aha moments.” Thanks for sharing!
Laura, it’s so true. I am so grateful for all I learn from all of you who share your posts and thoughts. It adds a richness and depth to life.
I often reread things and take away truths I had never considered. Even more so Scripture. It truly is alive and powerful! Thanks for sharing this.
That’s a powerful passage, Joanne. I’m thankful that when the scriptures tell us to “keep a clear head in every situation,” the Holy Spirit will empower us to do just that. Timely post, friend.