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ImageProxyDear Weary Mom –

Years ago, when I was in the throes of toddlerhood & probably complaining about the “terrible two’s, someone responded, “Little children, little problems. Big children, big problems.” I never forgot that. It really did not help me at that time. I am not sure if it ever has ever helped me 🙂 But this I do know….

Motherhood is hard.

It is hard because your heart is never your own again. Not ever.

That little person in your arms owns your heart forever. And they do not even know it. The love that you feel for those little ones does not compare to any other love. It is so amazing.

And that means that your life is not your own either. Not ever.

All that you do is with them in mind…….

  • Every diaper you change
  • Each middle of the night feeding
  • The practices & games that you sit through – sometimes cold to the bones
  • What about all the homework & school projects that you help them with?
  • Remember the all nighters when helping them write papers?
  • Comforting them through their broken hearts
  • The financial sacrifices
  • The visits to the ER
  • The teeth extractions & braces
  • Poison ivy from head to toe LITERALLY
  • The deep pain & tears you shed each time you knew they were in pain

Everything becomes about them & for them. No holds barred while your own life seems to be on hold. No career. No education. No job in particular to make mention of.

All because they are it – the center of your world.

Weary Mom, I am here to tell you – it is all worth it! Every. Bit. Of. It.

Our God sees your efforts. He has heard every prayer, those spoken out loud & the ones that were tears only because there could be no words. Our God goes before you & has been behind you. He has followed after you, scooping up the pieces that have been dropped. Somehow, in some way, one day He will make sense of it all.

Every. Bit. Of. It.

Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them” (Psalm 126: 5, 6). 
I am currently giving away the book Named By God by Kasey Van Norman. Get the details here.