The words are familiar as we’ve all read them before:
“Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called …” (Ephesians 4:1, NASB)
“Implore” –> to beg urgently.
Here we are reminded of our calling, the invitation which the Lord extends to us. We have been invited by God to join Him in His work, Kingdom work, and we have a particular role.
The question becomes: What is the manner in which we are to walk?
“… with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.†(Ephesians 4:2-3, NASB)
“Diligent” –> constant effort.
Paul begs us, pleads with us, to make the constant effort to cultivate the qualities he mentions. It will be an ongoing and intentional action throughout our entire life. Just because we have one of these qualities today, does not assure we will have them tomorrow.
Paul does not leave the question hanging but very distinctly tells us the qualities which should conduct our lives:
- “With all humilityâ€. The world would so have us to build up our own importance. Yet Christ modeled a bending low, keeping a correct estimation of ourselves. Seeing others as better than ourselves. Never putting ourselves above the role of serving others.
- “and gentlenessâ€. This is a condition of our heart and is a demonstration of power not weakness. It takes strength to remain gentle with difficult situations and people. It is a strength that comes from character developed in us by God’s Spirit.
- “showing tolerance for one another in loveâ€. Another version uses the word “forebear”, a word not used much anymore. We are to refrain or withhold being harsh with one another. We are also to endure and come alongside each other as difficulties are faced.
- “being diligent to preserve the unityâ€. It will take effort to maintain unity, togetherness. At times, it will be harder to stay as opposed to leave but when the Lord wills, we stay.
- “in the bond of peace.†This bond enables us to not be provoked or willing to provoke others.
The lyrics to a song come to mind:
“No man is an island, we can be found
No man is an island, let your guard down
You don’t have to fight me, I am for you
We’re not meant to live this life alone.â€(from No Man Is An Island, as sung by Tenth Avenue North)
Hear Paul’s words,
as he implores us to walk in a worthy manner,
being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit.
May we walk in the manner to which we have been called.
Every week I have a difficult time picking just one post to share in this space. Most weeks I want to say, “Please go read as many as you can!’ for each one brings much to be considered. Last week, Michele Morin reminded me that we don’t know all the answers, but “if we love God and stay close to His Truth, if we have ears to hear each other’s voices and a willingness to reach outside our own safe and cherished verdict, we have begun to learn.” Read her post, “A Fable About Beginning to Overcome Our Need to Be Right” HERE.
Come, sit a spell. Bring your coffee, your posts, and your thoughts. If you link up, kindly visit those who have drawn up a seat around you.
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Today I may be joining …
Thank you (!!!!) for sharing my post! It feels good to re-enter this welcoming space.
And I love it when Paul the Pastor takes the microphone. His voice is so practical!
It is wonderful to have you here! Your voice is one I treasure. We need words that are practical and applicable to our daily lives and Paul surely brings both. Blessings to you, friend!
Thank you, Joanne for reminding us walking in a manner worthy of the Lord (and His Kingdom) requires intention. We cannot simply rely on the fact that we are His children, we must demonstrate that fact in the way we “walk” on a daily basis.
That is the challenge. It isn’t always easy but as we depend on Him to make us more like Him, we can walk worthy. Each week as I read all the linked posts, I am grateful for the thoughts shared which spur me on. May we all keep encouraging one another in our walk with Jesus!
How we need such diligence to actively cultivate these qualities. No wonder Paul reminds us so urgently.
So much included in those few verses! May I be deligent to practice them.
Do I always? Not nearly as much as I think I need to. “Help me to learn to walk more worthy of You, Lord.”
I love how you broke down this passage for us, Joanne, especially reminding us that Paul urgently begs us to walk like Jesus. It’s important how we live our daily lives!
O Lord, we hear Your Words through Paul and ask for Your Holy Spirit to empower us to walk in a manner worthy of You and to enable us to walk in a spirit of unity with others!
Thank you for mapping out the verse. Your clarification is clear, concise and easily understood. And I love the song.
Thank you for hosting.
Your list makes me think of a jinga puzzle – and siblings, the larger family, a couple, even a community – one is probably always popping out – and it takes all the family to help pop it back in – and maybe each person is better at one than another – it still takes a unified effort to help the one that pops out – a never giving up attitude. Maybe I took this somewhere unintended, but that’s how this spoke it me:) In our culture today, others are to accepting of just pushing the one out that’s not acting as it should.
Yes, we must walk with intention!
Blessings, Jennifer
As I read through the words from this verse I couldn’t help but be reminded of Christ’s humility, gentleness, and diligence. To think the King lowered Himself to join humanity in order to save us. Such an incredible example!
Thanks for the encouraging words!
Joanne, I’m behind on my commenting this week, but it turns out, I needed to read your post today. It seems as if Ephesians 4:2-3 is a helpful guide when adjusting to college kids being home for the summer. 🙂 Hugs, friend.
No worries! I seem to get behind in commenting often as well. Enjoy the time with your girls!