“For their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth.”
(John 17:19, NASB)
“One thing is certain, that while there is anything between you and your Lord you can only weaken others. You cannot uplift them …
But if all is clear between you and Him the reverse is true. Your very presence can be a benediction, bringing freshness to those who are jaded and adding life to the whole worship of the saints, to their prayers and to their praises. Maintain a vital touch with God yourself, and you may well be used to restore that same vital touch with Him to those who may seem to have lost it.”
(from A Table in the Wilderness by Watchman Nee, April 8)
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Today I may be joining … Scripture & a Snapshot .
Another reason to keep the relationship with God in good shape. May we always be close to him.