There are days I seem to constantly have thoughts and questions mulling about in my mind. If I were to attempt to paint a picture of what this feels like, it might appear like an intersection with eight options.
The options can lie before me adding to the turmoil already existing in my head. The questions are many, and the answers aren’t quite clear yet.
Age brings a small amount of wisdom, probably learned from experience. Stay quiet and say nothing until there is clarity and calmness of mind. Jumping the gun only serves to add to the mix of emotions and most often, not in the healthiest of ways.
It’s best to pause, give the situation some time. Isaiah brings a good reminder:
“Your ears will hear a word behind you, “This is the way, walk in it,†whenever you turn to the right or to the left.” (Isaiah 30:21, NASB)
Isaiah assures me of three things:
- Instruction. God will instruct His people. He will tell us Himself, and we will know it is Him speaking into our circumstances.
- Proximity. God will no longer be distant. He will be right behind us. We will not be navigating nor walking through this life alone.
- Guidance. God will actively be guiding. He will give clear directions, each day, to guide us throughout our lives.
God guides His people today through His Holy Spirit, Who resides within us:
“But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.†(John 16:13, NASB)
God has not left us to figure life out on our own. He has given us His Word and His Spirit to engage with us, providing guidance along the way.
May we not harden our hearts to hear His voice when He speaks to us. May we respond to Him, obeying as He asks and leads.
All that we need is to be with Him,
We need to listen to the Voice within.
Come, sit a spell. Bring your coffee, your posts, and your thoughts. If you link up, kindly visit those who have drawn up a seat around you.
We indeed need to listen to the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit Joanne as He guides our steps.
And I agree as we age the wisdom to wait & be quiet in His presence comes from experience which enables us to hear His voice more clearly. 😉
Blessings, Jennifer
As I find myself aging, I am finding myself most grateful for the lessons life has brought my way. I am most grateful for the way the Lord speaks to guide us. Blessings!
I was just looking at Proverbs 3:6, “In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” (or some versions say “direct your paths”). I saw that “acknowledge” means “know, recognize.” That blends so well with the Isaiah verse you mentioned as well as the verse about the sheep knowing the voice of their shepherd.
There’s so much clamor, without and within these days. How we need to set aside time to know Him and hear His still, small voice.
Barbara, I am most appreciative you shared your thoughts as the two Scriptures fit so well together. I so agree, with all the noise in the our world lately, we need that time even more to hear His still, small voice. Blessings, friend!
Joanne, I am thankful for the quiet, persistent voice of the Holy Spirit. He never leaves us to figure things out on our own and gives clear direction on next steps for any situation.
Now, to be in tune with Him, and walk in step with His instruction is the battle of the day!
He truly is persistent isn’t He! But never would I want it to be any other way. May I (we) stay in tune and in step with Him each day. May we fight the battle!
I’m so thankful for God’s guidance, Joanne. Even in my current season, when my future options seem unclear and even somewhat limited, I know He is still going ahead of me and preparing the way. And until the larger plan becomes obvious, this is enough: “He will give clear directions, each day, to guide us.”
Praying tonight for you, Lois. May the Lord bring clarity and assurance He is with you.
The verse in Isaiah 30 has been one of my favorites for decades. Such rich wisdom. Thanks for sharing this here today, Joanne.
What a wonderful reminder that our Lord is with us guiding our way
I am so glad we do not have to live life on our own – and He doesn’t expect us to. We weren’t designed to go it alone without Him. Refreshing words, Joanne, for my Wednesday!
Wonderful affirmation this morning Ms. Joanne. Thank you for heeding God’s leading ma’am.
It is so comforting to know that our Father is always near us, ready to provide guidance, forever faithful. Your suggestion to pause is a good lesson for us. Thank you for sharing this message of wisdom and inspiration.
“God has not left us to figure life out on our own.” I am so thankful for this fact! Sometimes, the way does not seem clear, but waiting until I know I’ve heard from Him is essential. And then once I hear, I need to take action.
Wise words, Joanne, to wait for Him to speak, then to speak what we hear from Him.
Joanne, I love this so much. This verse gives me such comfort and I love how you unpacked it.
Isaiah 30:21is one of my favorites, Joanne. And I reference it often when someone asked me to pray for them to find God’s direction and for myself. Your three points are so good. I’m thankful the Lord is our guide.
It’s so comforting to know that God is always there and that He wants to give us His wisdom. I definitely want (and need) all I can get.