It is amazing how Christmas always remains a most special and sacred time of year. No matter how familiar the songs, or the words of the story may be, Christmas always holds something new.
At the start of the Advent season, I turned to read the familiar story in each of the Gospels. Have you ever noticed how differently each one begins?
Matthew presents to us the genealogy of Jesus. Mark starts with the ministry of John the Baptist and moves onto the baptism of Jesus. Luke, gives us many of the historical details of that time and the annunciation of Jesus’ birth.
But John …
John takes us back to the beginning. The beginning of creation and recorded time. He reminds us Jesus was there in the beginning. In fact, He was the logos, the spoken word of creation.
He tells us Jesus was the Light which came into the darkness and is still shining today, for He is the Light of the world.
“In God’s story, the Light of the World came to be, and as a result, nothing will ever be the same.”
(from The Advent Narrative by Mary Geisen, page 4)
And John tells us of the day Jesus became flesh …
“And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14, NASB)
The Word had come to the earth, dwelt among us to bring salvation, grace, and truth.
Yet this was just the beginning for Advent comes around every year, reminding us to wait, to quiet ourselves, and to prepare for His arrival.
As we put up our trees, hang the lights and stockings, wrap gifts for our loved ones, and bake, we find ourselves pulled the One whose birth we will celebrate.
Advent prepares us for the arrival of Jesus birth, and yet more so, prepares us for His coming again. In the quietness of the wait, we are reminded there is yet more to come.
“Becoming an Advent people begins where creation begins. It is understanding God’s love for all people; living in the time between the birth of Jesus and His coming again; and embracing the Good News as just that – Good News!”
(from The Advent Narrative by Mary Geisen, page 6)
The Gospel of John reminds us Jesus was with us from the very beginning; and will be with us always. He reminds us of the grace and truth which burst into our world from the start.
“For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace. For the Law was given through Moses, grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ.” (John 1:16-17, NASB)
Yes, Jesus came and is coming again,
And the world will never be the same!
Joan Davis shared a beautiful post full of hope. “When we place our hope in Him, we will never be disappointed.’ Read her post, “The Gift of Hope” HERE.
Come, sit a spell. Bring your coffee, your posts, and your thoughts. If you link up, kindly visit those who have drawn up a seat around you.
Photo by Dan Kiefer on Unsplash
Today I may be joining …
What a marvel it must have been for people who encountered Jesus on earth to realize that He was God in the flesh. No wonder it took a long time for some of them to comprehend it. And how amazing That He is with us today, though we can’t see Him. Every Advent reminds us He really came, He’s really here, and He’s really coming again.
It continues to amaze me how this time of Advent turns our hearts and minds to focus deeply on both His birth and His coming. No matter how many times we have pondered these Scriptures, they always fall new and set our focus on Him.
A beautiful reminder of His birth, His faithfulness, and His return, Joanne.
What comfort we can feel knowing He is always with us! Amen. 🙂
Joanne, I simply love Advent. Strangely the same, yet marvelously different each year. I have been meditating on those verses in John, welcoming anew the Light of the world into those darkest of places in my life and relationships. Such a comfort to know His coming makes all things new!
in the beginning …
just reading those three words is giving me cause for pause. i have nothing else to add.
I love the way John opens :). Thank you for the reminder that this is a season to not only celebrate the first advent but to focus on preparing for the second advent!
Love how you compared the different Gospel accounts. And I love how John reminds us of Who it is we celebrate.
Starting at the beginning is important! I’ve always loved the way John began his scripture. It’s such an appropriate time to share this message. Thank you.
Yes, the world will never be the same again, hallelujah!
Bless you sweet friend, Jennifer 💖
I can’t get enough of Advent. The beginning of John’s gospel always brings me to tears. It is filled with so much hope. Thank you for referencing my book. I am thrilled to see people still touched by its message.
The longer I live on this earth, the more I love looking forward to Him coming again during advent. Advent and the coming of the Light of the World has become so much more hopeful and profound. Have a blessed Christmas, Joanne!
Beautiful, Joanne. In the quietness of the wait…
It seems most of us have grown even more impatient for His second Advent during the last couple of years–as if our spirits sense a spiritual tipping point.
Merry Christmas!
So beautiful Joanne – He is coming again! We wait in anticipation, excitement and hope.
Joanne, that first chapter of John is a favorite of mine any time of year, but I especially love looking at it through the lens of Christmas. This is such a beautiful way to put it: “In the quietness of the wait, we are reminded there is yet more to come.”
Our pastor began teaching on the first chapter of John yesterday. May we be reminded afresh of the wonder of it all! The Word became flesh and dwelt among us!
This is such a special message, I just love this. John sure does take a different approach. He speaks from the more supernatural side. While I love all of the Gospel accounts, John is my favorite.
Thank you for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month.
Merry Christmas dear friend.
So enjoyed Ms. Joanne. “God with us” Can there be three more comforting words? God’s blessings ma’am, and Merry CHRISTmas
No more comforting words indeed, J.D. And even more so this year! May you and Ms. Diane have a most blessed Christmas!