There are days when God shows up in ways that we did not expect and surely did not deserve. On those days, He leaves us breathless, our hearts full of emotion and our mouths filled with praise.
Some days we lay big requests before Him. They are big in our estimation because we are human, and limited and finite. We try to keep our focus on the truth that He is God, therefore bigger than we can conceive, able to do more than we think, and He has no limits. None. Some days are easier than others to keep the focus.
He knows how difficult it is some days to maintain the right perspective of Him. He is willing to help us by showing up unexpectedly.
Enter – the mushrooms …
Several years ago, they were growing underneath our pine tree. I had not planted them. They were not supposed to be growing there. They were utterly beautiful because they were different than one would expect.
They were not the mushrooms like one would buy in a supermarket. They were not brown. They were beautiful shades of orange and yellow. They were different sizes. Amazingly, they were different shapes.
When I went under the tree to view them up close, I felt like I was entering into a fantasy world like one might find in a movie. They were stunning.
They had grown where they would be least expected. Their beauty shouted of a Creator who would place them there to create awe and marvel.
In our wilderness, God promises us He is at work:
“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.â€Â (Isaiah 43:18-19, NIV)
Join me at Woman to Woman Ministries HERE where we will look at unexpected beauty and places where God shows up.
Today I may be joining …
I love that you made time to look at the natural world with eyes of faith to see what God had placed there to show and teach you my friend. Too many of us go through life with “blinders” on and we miss so much of the glory of our Lord the world He created displays.