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Going through The Lord’s Prayer slowly, and intently, continues to bring new insights …

Memory Verse: “Therefore, you should pray like this: Our Father in heaven, your name be honored as holy. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:9-10)


We began the week with reading Matthew 6:9, John 1:12-13, and Ephesians 2:18-19. Our focus was on Matthew 6:9 and the words, “our Father.”

The study pointed out the way in which the entire Trinity is involved when we pray. This was a most profound thought to realize. Our prayers summon the attention of all three Persons:

  • “We are to direct our prayers to the Father.”
  • “The Son of God serves as our mediator in prayer.”
  • “The Spirit of God helps us to pray as we ought.”

When we acknowledge God as our Father, we are acknowledging Him as the sole provider and protector of our lives. We are acknowledging we are a part of His family, and have a responsibility one to another.

The study asks: How do you have access to draw near to God as Father? How does addressing God as Father posture your heart towards Him?

I encourage you to think on these questions as it surely changes our thoughts towards Him.


Mid week we read Matthew 6:9, Psalm 113:2-3, Psalm 57:5, and Psalm 69:34.

Each of these Scriptures remind us God’s name is to be “hallowed” >> set apart and kept sacred.

As I sat looking at the words, I thought of how casually the name of God is tossed about in conversation. Is thought even given to Who we are referring to? I think not most times.

The study brought a quote by A.W. Tozer, which in part says:

“Holy is the way God is. To be holy he does not conform to a standard. He is that standard.” (The Lord’s Prayer, page 41)

I had to sit and let the sentences sink in a bit. God does not conform to any standard in this world. He calls us to conform to His standard. We are to become holy and set apart.

The study asks: In Christ, we have gained access to approach a holy God. How should you approach Him as such in prayer?

I also asked if the way in which we approach Him in prayer has been a hindrance to prayer, or answers to prayer (?). Are we too casual, too flippant? Do we come suggesting to God how He should answer our prayers? My answers brought about some change in my prayers.


We brought the second week to a close with reading Matthew 6:10, Psalm 143:10, 1 John 5:14, and James 4:13.

We might say these passages bring a battle to mind – a battle of the wills – His will vs our will.

There was so much to ponder in this one reading. So much is underlined. Right in the very first paragraph we read:

“Prayer is the communal work of God’s people for God’s purposes … Understanding God rightly and reverently leads us to pray as we ought.” (The Lord’s Prayer, page 49)

I am not sure how many times last week I said, “God calls us to live justly and rightly and fairly. No matter what the world does, we are still to do what is right before Him.”

The James passage is truly a stirring one. I have now lived more of my life than I have left to live. Life is a vapor. My desire is to live my remaining day in a way that matters, and may make a difference in someone’s life.

But for that to happen, my prayer needs to be, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

The study asks: How do you see a need to surrender your will to God’s will in prayer?

We need to see it as a necessity. We need to see it as an act of love to the One who loves us deeply and desires His best for us – even when we may not understand.


Our Father – sole protector and provider,
holy and set apart,
and so we pray – His will be done – not ours.


Photo 1: by Adriel Kloppenburg on Unsplash
Photo 2: by Olga Subach on Unsplash
Photo 3: by Dominik Schröder on Unsplash

Today I may be joining … Tell His Story and InstaEncouragements .