Time was spent looking at three more words this week:
“But let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things,†declares the Lord.” (Jeremiah 9:24, NASB)
When I think of the word boast, the synonym that comes to mind is brag.
This Scripture tells us if we are going to boast about anything, let us boast that we know God.
In so doing, we give glory to Him and Him alone. Most times when we boast about the Lord, we tell about what He has done or given us. What has God done in your life that you can boast about?
I would also add – let us boast about Him – about who He is. What quality or characteristic of God are you appreciative of today?
Lately I have been finding myself grateful for the gentle way His Spirit brings quick conviction, and for the forgiveness available.
“But this is what I commanded them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you will be My people; and you will walk in all the way which I command you, that it may be well with you.’ ” (Jeremiah 7:23, NASB)
Obedience as defined by dictionary.com as “to comply or follow the wishes of.”
When my children were obedient, the days always seemed to flow with ease, with joy, and with relief. There were no power struggles between them and myself. Everyone went to bed happily having had a good day.
Obedience is like that. When we obey God, we go through our days with joy, knowing we are in the center of His will, and whatever occurs in the course of our day is for our good.
Obedience isn’t always easy. Some days, if we are honest, it is most difficult. It involves a bending of our own wills, a humbling of our hearts before God.
What is something God has asked you to do that you have yet to obey Him in completely?
Lord, You ask for our obedience. Some days it is a hard call. Give me a heart willing to obey, to humble myself, and to submit to Your instructions. Forgive me for the times I have not obeyed. Show me where that may still be and help me to follow through and do what You have asked. In Your Name I pray, Amen.
“Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16, NASB)
This is what Jesus wants each of us to do with our lives.
There are many ways for our lives to shine. In all likelihood, each of our lives shines differently. We all have different gifts, talents, and abilities.
But no matter how different we are, we are all called to shine the light of Jesus. Be a person who reflects the love of Jesus, and the grace and mercy you have received.
What may be keeping the light of Jesus from shining at full strength in your life?
May each one of us not let the enemy, or our pasts, discourage us or cause us to dim the light of Jesus in us.
Where would you like to shine in the days ahead? This dark world needs you!
When we boast only in God,
we remember to trust and obey Him,
and our light shines into this darkening world.
How I like what you’ve done here! When I think of God’s traits I am thankful for his companionship and faithfulness. I love how you define obedience saying that when we are obedient, it’s like going to bed after a day where things have gone smoothly, though it may be challenging! Where would I like my light to shine? In places where people need to know that the Jesus kind of love is real!
So much rich spiritual food here … thank you for the feast. We come hungry to the table, thirsty for the Living Water.
Oh my; not enough time to list out all the ways that God has blessed and enriched my life since surrendering it to Him. My one weakness is how well I shine His light into this world and how well do I cast His light into the darkened corners of so many lives. Lots of encouragement and inspiration here Ms. Joanne; and just the right amount of conviction to lead me to want to improve. God’s blessings ma’am.
Thank you for your encouragement today. My word of the year is “Light.” God has asked me to shine my light for others and I am still working on it. I hope you are doing well.
Joanne, each of these words and your thoughts spoke to my heart. Thanks for filling me and encouraging me to ask those (somewhat) difficult questions. Loved the songs you shared too. “Knowing You, Jesus” has long been a favorite!
Thank you for sharing this word study with us. Pausing to reflect on the richness of your words here.
I love what you did there at the end, Joanne. 😊 You’re so right … our lights are desperately needed these days.