There aren’t enough words to express how wonderful the journey through the book. Colossians: Rooted in Him, has been. We completed our last week in the book as we began with our memory verse:
“And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17)
In Colossians 3:16-17, we find Paul gives us wisdom for living:
- let the word of God dwell in us – richly
- worship and sing
- have thankful hearts
- everything we do should honor Christ.
All of life is worship. Even as I type those words, Brother Lawrence is who comes to mind. A monk who practiced the presence of God in every task he did and taught so many how to pray.
“It is not necessary to have great things to do. I turn my little omelet in the pan for the love of God.” (Bro. Lawrence)
Imagine if we lived with that attitude every day? Cooking, cleaning, laundry, our jobs, changing diapers, raising our children and grandchildren – all of it would be done for, and in, the love of God.
The study asks: How do we allow the word of Christ to dwell in and among us? Why should thankfulness be a central part of the life of the believer?
“Worship and thanksgiving are the natural reaction of hearts that have been touched by grace.”
(from Colossians: Rooted in Him, page 128)
May we have an attitude of worship and thankfulness in all we do each day!
Mid week found us focusing on Colossians 4:2-4. Paul brings three thoughts in these verses:
- Devoted – Prayer will not be something that comes naturally to us. It’s probably why it is often a last resort or we struggle to be persistent in prayer. Devoted is defined as “zealous or ardent in attachment” (
- Watchful – Answers to be prayer may come in ways we aren’t expecting. If we are going to recognize His answers, we need to posture ourselves so we are able to wait and watch. This brought to mind the Scripture: “My soul waits for the Lord. More than the watchman for the mourning; Indeed, more than the watchman in the morning” (Psalm 130:6, NASB).
- Thanksgiving – check out verse 2 as it tells us prayer should be “with an attitude of thanksgiving” (NASB).
The study asks: What do you think it means to be a person who is devoted to prayer? Are you devoted to prayer? How do prayer, watchfulness, and thanksgiving work together?
As I read the verses, the question which tugged at me was: Which of these three present the biggest challenge in prayer?
I think as each of us answers this question, we will find the aspect of prayer we most need to develop in our prayer lives; and thus, our prayers will become more developed and aligned with God’s purposes.
Hard to believe six weeks have passed since we first began studying Colossians. We closed with reading Colossians 4:7-18. In this portion Paul not only mentions people specifically, but he brings them a word of exhortation.
May I share two thoughts that came as I read the final day in the study?
- We need God’s Word even more desperately than we think.
“Where the Word of God is proclaimed, the people of God will grow. We need the Word of God to be who God has called us to be … If we want to know the will of God, we must know the Word of God.”
(from Colossians: Rooted in Him, page 144)
- We all will have struggles and suffering along the way.
“The life of the child of God > We struggle and we face suffering, and yet through it all we are carried by His grace.”
(from Colossians: Rooted in Him, page 144)
The study asked: How has God challenged you through the book of Colossians and this study?
The one thing I realized throughout the study was how much I truly need to be in God’s Word. His Word infuses our lives with all we need each day. Without His Word, we truly would be empty.
Prayer and thankfulness will align us with God’s will and purpose.
We need God’s Word desperately each day.
Keep growing and stay rooted in Him!Â
Photo 1: by Debby Hudson on Unsplash
Photo 2: by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash
Photo 3: by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
If we have an attitude of worship we will never be despondent because we will be filled with JOY & PEACE from the Holy Spirit!
#TellHis Story 6
Thank you so much for taking us along with you on the journey of discovery Ms. Joanne. I’ve enjoyed your posts and lessons so much. God’s blessings ma’am.
Yes I agree we truly need to be in the Word daily Joanne.
Bless you,
Thank you for sharing those questions about prayer. It is my default to work to a solution first, rather than pray first! I realize intentional focus His word is needed to default to prayer first, do after, otherwise I fall out of alignment with God.