It’s such a familiar verse and yet, as it sits spread out before me, its familiarity falls like a blanket on my heart. It brings comfort and peace.
“Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ (Jeremiah 33:3, NASB)
Looking at the words for a period of time, reading and re-reading the words, some thoughts came:
- God wants us to pray. Hear the voice of God, for it is He who is speaking these words. Can you hear the longing in His voice? He is expressing His desire for us to call on Him, to come to Him with what is weighing us down.
- God will answer. God wants to provide answers to our questions, respond to our needs, and move in situations. He wants to answer. The answer may not come on our timetable, or in the way we want, but God will answer – in His time and in His way.
- God will bless. As we pray, humbly laying our heart open before Him, He will tell us and show us things in His Word. He brings understanding, showing us truths we may not have seen before.
Jeremiah knew the city of Jerusalem was going to face hard times. He needed God to teach and show him what to do. In penning this Scripture, he also teaches us what we are to do when we have no idea how to move forward.
We call on God, and we wait for Him to answer. Join me at Woman to Woman Ministries HERE, where I will share one more thing I noticed in this verse.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Inspire Me Monday and Remember Me Monday .
I’m so thankful that when we pray, we know we’re praying TO someone, not just talking to ourselves. Thanks for reminding us of how important these calls are, Joanne!
I love God’s promise that he WILL answer. That should give me more confidence to call out to him, because he will not leave me on “read” – he will answer.
So true, Kym. May He give us ears to hear and a heart willing to accept the answers He brings. {{hug}}
Like a glass of clear, crisp, spring water for the thirsty soul.
Most grateful.
I was hearing the words to the song “Lean On Me” as I was reading your post this morning Ms. Joanne. Another poignant prompt to stop and pray today. God’s blessings my friend.
J.D., you are an encouragement with each thought you share. May God bless you and strengthen you, as you call on Him!
“I will tell you great and mighty things…” What a loving Father He is!