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Here it is. Looks like perfection when you look at those two little girls dressed in their sweetness.

We had known for MONTHS that they would be flower girls. There was only one problem – Jocelyn was not yet a year old or walking. So it was decided, we would buy the dress – in faith – hoping that she would, indeed, be walking in time. And then we worked like the dickens to try to get it to happen. No words can even express the joy that we all felt when she began walking on her own an entire month before the actual day. That gave us a whole month to get her steady enough on her feet for her to walk the aisle.

And now, here they are all arrayed in their loveliness.

But what is actually happening?

If you take a peek, in the top left hand corner, you will notice the tire of a golf cart. Perched in that cart is the ring bearer! As we came around the corner of the circle, he spotted it & made a full out run for it, his ring pillow & all! No amount of coaxing could get him to continue his walk down the aisle. So we quickly made adjustments & as parents of the groom, we had the joy of walking with our own granddaughters.

Lesson learned? Never tempt a 2 1/2 year old boy with a riding toy 🙂

I linked this post at Behind the Scenes and 5 Minutes For Mom and Doing You Well .