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To feel stuck or to be stuck is a very uncomfortable situation to find oneself in. defines it as:

  1. impossible or unable to move from a particular position
  2. unable to escape from a bad or boring situation
  3. unable to do more than what you are currently doing
  4. to be unable to think what to say or do

A person can find themselves “stuck” for any number of reasons….

a job that is necessary but unfulfilling

an illness that means going through prolonged treatment

a difficult pregnancy

an unwanted divorce

financial difficulties.

Any time that we find ourselves in a situation that we are helpless to change & must continue to endure, we are stuck. Often when we find ourselves in this position, we cannot imagine that anything will ever be different or better or that we will make it through. We long for a road map to show us where to go & what to do to prompt change.


The psalmist has some words for those times when we feel stuck. He says….

“ What joy for those whose strength comes from the LORD, who have set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs. The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings. They will continue to grow stronger, and each of them will appear before God in Jerusalem.”                           (Psalm 84: 5-7 NLT).

He tells us to find our strength in God. God somehow transforms our weaknesses into God-given strength. Life is a pilgrimage, a journey for each one of us. Each of our journeys are different but we will all one day end in the same place – standing before Him. We find ourselves at times in the Valley of Weeping – that place of sadness or where the obstacles of life are overwhelming. We’re stuck. But this portion of Scripture tells us that we are not stuck because we walk through. We do not stand still – we come through – which means that at some point, we make it to the other side, we come out of our situations. Our circumstances are temporary. They will, in fact, change. We will move on.

Not only do we make it through but “the autumn rains clothe it with blessings”. Somehow, at some point, our God brings refreshment, He revives us. Not only does He revive us, He keeps growing us stronger in spite of the things that may come against us.

Today if you are feeling “stuck”, may this comfort & encourage you. Hold on for the autumn rains. Even though you may feel like you are in the desert, He will provide that pool to revive you. He will make you stronger than you ever thought possible.

I joined in at Wednesday Wanderings