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This past week brought the study, “The Dwelling Place of God” to a close. It was both a timely and powerful study, one I recommend if you are looking for a Bible Study.

We began the week with Ezra 9:1-5, where we found the Jewish leaders had come to Ezra to let him know of some practices that had occurred among the people:

  • they had not kept themselves separate from the other people living in the land
  • they had taken up some of the detestable practices in the land
  • they had intermarried
  • “The holy race had become polluted” (verse 2, NLT)

Ezra’s response? He was appalled.

Have we compromised our faith so greatly that we have become polluted, stained? Are we appalled by the things occurring within our land and churches?

The study words it powerfully:

“Ezra knew they had to make a clean break with disobedience, regardless of the consequences.” (from page 67)

Are we all in need of a heart change? Do we need to get back to obeying God’s Word more so than we have?

“Obedience means we stop, refocus, and follow Him.” (also from page 67)

Let’s examine ourselves and ask the Lord what changes we need to make in our lives.


We continued with reading Ezra 9:10-15 and the rest of Ezra’s powerful prayer.

“For once again we have abandoned your commands.” (verse 10b, NLT)

Before we go pointing a finger, it is so true of all of us. Our lives go in such cycles and we are no different now than then.

Psalm 130 brings the reminder:

“Lord, if you kept a record of our sins, who, O Lord, could ever survive? But you offer forgiveness, that we might learn to fear you.” (verses 3-4, NLT)

We all need to reflect on Ezra’s prayer and the words from Psalm 130. Ask the Lord to bring to mind anything that needs to be confessed. Thank Him that He does not keep a record of our sins, but rather, He removes them as far as the east is from west
(Psalm 103:12).


The study came to a close with reading Ezra 10:9-16. Three words stood out to me:

  • the people TREMBLED (verse 9)
  • the people CONFESSED (verse 11)
  • the people SEPARATED themselves (verse 11)

It is as we take these three actions that our lives remain aligned with God, His Word, His people, and His plans.

It’s a sobering word for sure but one we need to think about so that we do not become distanced from God, or lukewarm in our walk. Let’s be diligent to tend to our hearts as it is the way we will make a difference in the very places we each live. Let’s know what we believe.


“I believe in God our Father.
I believe in Christ the Son.
I believe in the Holy Spirit.
Our God is three in one.
I believe in the resurrection.
That we will rise again.
For I believe in the name of Jesus.”
(from the above song)



Photo 1: by Sam Xu on Unsplash
Photo 2: from Pixabay – no attribution required

Today I am joining … Tell His Story and Purposeful Faith and InstaEncouragements .