Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. The prompt this week is … Young.
I may never cease to be amazed by these word prompts, which always align with in my life.
A recent conversation raised the question about the current state of affairs and young children. How will they grow up? And more specifically, what will the future hold for them?
Upon seeing the word prompt, a portion of Scripture dropped into my mind and the answer came …
“The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand. Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned or their children begging for bread.” (Psalm 37:23-25, NLT)
It may appear that the ungodly are excelling or succeeding in their plans, but appearances can be deceiving as God will always have the final word. We are not to become frustrated, discouraged, or exasperated.
We are to remain focused on God and the promises He has given to His people.
In the face of hard times and challenges, the Lord will be with us and we can trust in, and rely on, His faithfulness to His own.
This week I read these words from a commentary:
“President Woodrow Wilson once stated, “I had rather temporarily fail in a cause that will ultimately succeed than temporarily succeed in a cause that will ultimately fail.” When assessing any situation, a person should always take the long look … We must not allow the initial success of the ungodly to lead us astray. We should take the long look. Those who trust in the Lord will triumph in the end.”
(from The Holman Old Testament Commentary, Vol. 11, page 201)
Once I was young, but now am older, and this morning I am comforted to know – the young will not be abandoned. The Lord will be faithful to them as He has always been faithful in the past.
Today I am joining …
Well, I was wondering if anyone would use David’s scripture – and, of course YOU DID. Is this where we say, “Great minds?” LOL!!! TRUTH! #5 (your neighbor)
There were several who thought of this verse. Great minds (?) – only the One who by His Spirit brought the verse to mind.
Good thoughts for these trying times! I’m especially thankful for your reminder to keep our focus on God. Thank you~ Karen 🙂 (FMF #7)
Focusing on the Lord and Scripture is the only way I have been able to maintain hope for the days yet ahead. Blessings!
The young won’t be forsaken,
‘God’s back will not be turned,
nor innocence rough-taken,
nor faith and hope cold-spurned.
The Gospel will not see defeat,
and Christ won’t flee these lands,
for when we walk, we are His feet,
and more, we are the Hands
that will hold fast against the storm
that blows from low’ring sky,
that takes the weak and keeps them warm,
letting not the fires die
that though they may burn down to embers
carry what we must remember.
Andrew, thank you for so faithfully sharing your thoughts as these poems are truly some of your finest words. “We are the Hands that will hold fast against the storm.”
You are right – appearances can be deceiving. And I am grateful for that – because some days it really does look like the enemy is gaining ground faster than we could ever gain footing again (aka winning)! I do want to be discouraged!! Thanks for the timely reminder!
Jennifer, may you not grow weary, or discouraged, for the Lord is with you. He is mighty to save.
Thank you for these words. I was just thinking recently about my little six-year-old grandson and wondering what kind of world he would grow up in. God will be faithful to him just as He has to his parents and grandparents.
Oh Barbara, I truly am right there with you. My three granddaughters are 12, 8, and nearly 2. May we keep our eyes on Him, knowing He is faithful to His own, and keep pointing them to Jesus. xo
That verse was the first thing that popped into my mind too when I saw this week’s word prompt.
I think the Lord wanted many of us to remember it 🙂
I’m so grateful for the Lord’s faithfulness to both old and young alike. It’s comforting to know that He will continue to be faithful to our littles too.
Yes (!) , I am so grateful He will be faithful to our grandchildren as well.