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Devotional books have a unique way of speaking into our current lives, even though they may have been written years ago. They have a way of reminding us that nothing escapes the eye of God. Not a single blessed thing.

The enemy whispers his dirty little lies in which he attempts to make us think we are alone, or forgotten, or God won’t work in our lives.

Then God shows up in the reading of a devotional and proves the enemy wrong – every single time.

Recently as I was reading, some thoughts went through my mind:

  • God’s work in our lives will not be without pain. So why do we expect it to be?
  • Hard things in our lives can still be His way of working in our lives. Why do we think otherwise?
  • Faith will give meaning to our pain. Why do we think pain has no meaning?
  • God wants us to collaborate with Him, not Him with us. Why do we think He has to go along with our thoughts?
  • The adventure of life is a “sacred” adventure which means God is at the helm. Why do we think we are in control?

Perhaps these thoughts and questions have been the very ones man has wrestled with since the beginning of time.

My devotional brings me back to the very Scripture which has been crossing my path over the last few weeks:

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11, NLT)

The promise had been given to God’s people, who would be in exile for seventy years and suffer greatly during those years. But it was a promise which reminded them, that in spite of difficulty, God still had a plan for them which included good, and a hope, and a future.

God wanted them then, and us now, to seek Him, and love Him, and serve Him wholeheartedly. He promised an end to their captivity (and ours in difficult situations) and restoration.

This word from the prophet gave the people a renewed commitment to God and to His Word. It does the same for us.

It is truly OK to wrestle with questions and doubts.

For when we bring those very doubts and lay them against the canvas of God’s Word, we discover …

He is God.
He is good.
All that He is doing will be good.

And when that truth floods our souls, we find ourselves trusting Him once again.


This post was first published HERE.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Recharge Wednesday and Woman to Woman .