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This past Sunday was Vision Sunday. Pastor Steve spoke an excellent message about what vision is & what it will look like in the life of our church in the coming year. Exciting change is on the      horizon. But that is the very nature of knowing the vision of a church or an organization…. it brings an expectation of God’s transforming power.

Some key points I walked away with:

  1. Vision comes from the Holy Spirit & prayer. The Holy Spirit is the One who deposits vision into our lives as we pray & seek Him. As I listened to the sermon, I remembered, “You will seek Me & find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.”(Jer. 29:13). May we each be faithful to do our part & seek Him with all our heart.
  2. The Good News of the gospel brings knowledge of salvation & forgiveness of sins as we believe in Christ. That was the mission or goal of Christ’s life & ministry. As His followers, the goal of Jesus should become ours as well.

And so as this season of summer is upon us & we relax & enjoy the long days, may we quiet ourselves before our God. May we ask Him to enable us to love Him more deeply. May that love for Him also     enable us to love ourselves so that we grow in depth of knowledge & understanding of His Word. May that love spill over so that we are     effectively loving others & sharing the Love of Jesus with them.

You can hear the message, BrookRidge in 3D,  in its entirety here.

Thank you, Pastor Steve, for clarifying “vision” for us. May each of us be faithful to respond & do our part as God leads.