Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is … Active.
“I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.” (Philemon 6, NIV1984)
This verse finds us with Paul writing to Philemon concerning his runaway slave, Onesimus. Having run away, Onesimus meets Paul and becomes a Christian, admitting his situation to Paul.
Paul reaches out to Philemon, who is a believer, and the fate of Onesimus lies in his hands. Rebellious slaves were permitted to be executed and other masters would be watching to see the outcome and Philemon’s decision.
Paul’s prayer for his fellow believer is a prayer for us all –
It’s a call to exercise forgiveness.
We come to a better understanding of the forgiveness which has been extended to us by God through Christ, when we forgive others.
“This epistle gives us a masterful and tender illustration of Christian love.
All of us are Onesimuses.”
(Martin Luther as quoted in the NLT Study Bible Commentary)
Our faith becomes more deeply effective, and visible to those around us, when we share our faith through forgiving those who have wounded us. The power of God is released to work more intensely to accomplish what only He can in our lives.
Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith On Fire and Faith ‘N Friends .
Thank you for the challenge to make my faith more ACTIVE!
I need a challenge every now and then 🙂
Good afternoon, Joanne. Thank you for posting this story. I have two people I need to completely forgive. I dont see them much at all, so it is easy to push it aside. As your words remind me, forgiveness is powerful, necessary and only possible with God. In Christ, Julie
It’s so easy to forget those we may not see often. God has His ways of reminding us though 🙂
OK, I have to confess…what I read was, “All of us are Onesies.”
All of us are Onesies,
clothed in coveralls;
dressed such, we can see
what we were before the fall.
We were meant to be arrayed
in glory past the finest flower,
for in beauty we were made;
but came the awful hour.
We put on then our filthy rags
which we thought haute couture,
carrying in our frayed string-bags
that which had been pure.
His huge heart broken, He decided than
that one day we should shine again.
Oh Andrew, you made me laugh with seeing “Onesies”. But another powerful thought none the less!
Praying for a more active faith – seen by others and one that impacts others. Which includes forgiveness. (ouch) But so true. Thanks for the encouragement.
Perhaps we most reflect Jesus when we are both a forgiven people and forgiving people.