It is a struggle for us all at some point in life. It was certainly a struggle for Peter, who asked Jesus this question:
“Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?”
(Matthew 18:21, NLT)
In her book, Forgiving My Father, Forgiving Myself, Ruth Graham shares from her heart on the topic of forgiveness.
Offering a biblical understanding of the concept of forgiveness and its importance in our lives, she gently leads us through the process of forgiving those who have wronged us.
It was during a visit behind the prison walls of Angola Prison in Louisiana in which Ruth Graham came to encounter the power of forgiveness. An inmate, awaiting his execution, asked to sing her a song – It Is Well With My Soul. She listened to his rich baritone voice as he sang the words, and she was flooded with emotion.
Months later, she was contacted by a man who read of her prison ministry and inquired about this same inmate. All he wanted to know was, “Did he know Jesus?” When she wrote back to say the inmate had professed his faith in Jesus, she asked why the interest in this particular inmate.
The man shared that this inmate had murdered his young grandson. He took no joy in knowing the inmate faced execution and only wanted to know he would be going to heaven.
It was then she saw the power and impact of forgiveness right before her.
The book shares powerful and personal stories from her own life and experiences. There are many rich quotes which add to the telling of the stories. I found myself constantly reminded of the forgiveness which I was offered even while I was yet a sinner.
This brings a most amazing invitation:
“What fascinates me about forgiveness is that through it God invites us to participate with Him in the miracle. We have a part to play and choices to make – when we submit our wounds for transformation to His holy use and choose to display His character to the world, Go will “intervene in our affairs” and actually change our hearts from bitterness to love, from resentment to restoration. This is miraculous.”
(from page 68)
The book is a thought-provoking journey, a journey which can lead to freedom as we extend the gift and miracle of forgiveness.
“A forgiving spirit is home to humility, divine grace, and love, which give witness to a life dedicated to God and filled with God’s presence.”
(J. Randall O’Brien as quoted on page 231)
The question before us all is –
Will we participate in offering forgiveness?
** I was provided a copy of this book by Baker Publishing Group. All opinions are honest and my own. This post contains affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase, I will receive a small percent at no additional cost to you.
Today I am joining … Heart Encouragement and Booknificent Thursday .
What a powerful story about the man whose grandson was murdered! This sounds like an important book for all of us to read. Thanks for sharing.
It was very good!