Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is … Deep.
The dictionary (.com) ‘deep’ as “extending far down from the top or surface”. It’s the related words which hold my thoughts as I read: “rooted, profound, hidden, rich.”
“But it was to us that God revealed these things by his Spirit. For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets.†(1 Corinthians 2:10, NLT)
Every time Scripture comes alive in our hearts and minds, it is through the working of the Holy Spirit inside of us. He alone knows what we need to be encouraged and strengthened. He alone knows the answers, the comfort, and the peace required for the day and makes provision for us each time we open our Bibles and read.
He alone unfolds the deep and hidden truths to our feeble minds and brings understanding.
His deep secrets revealed keep our hearts rooted in His truth. We are told to keep them hidden in our hearts so that we do not sin against Him (Psalm 119:11).
These are not understood, nor can they be explained, by the world’s wisdom or philosophies. We will always discover something not seen or fully understood before.
God’s deep secrets,
revealed to our hearts so that
we come to know and love Him more deeply.
Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith On Fire and Faith ‘N Friends .
It’s amazing how even when we come to familiar passages of Scripture God can reveal new things to us as his Spirit opens our hearts to see them in a deeper way.
I am always amazed at how a passage can seem like I had never seen it before. His Word – alive and living – meets us fresh every day.
“His deep secrets revealed keep our hearts rooted in His truth.” Amen. Beautifully true.
The closer that I get to God,
the more the mystery.
At first impressed, then I was awed,
and He’s now too bright to see.
I thought once I could understand
the rationale and reason,
that free will was the only hand
in cancer’s killing season.
But now I see a master plan,
a grand and veiled design
that bound me to the Sorrowed Man
and took life that I thought mine.
In His use I’m bent and broken,
and in the pain I find Love’s token.
Amen. He loves you deeply, Andrew!