The final week in the study “God. Move. Plan.” had us focusing on how to take care of ourselves so we are best able to serve and give.
We read three passages: 1 Corinthians 10:13; Romans 8:31 & 37; and 1 John 5:1-5. all which deal with overcoming temptations.
There are, and will be, temptations to skip that which is good and best for us.
There is always something that will seek to keep us from taking care of ourselves both spiritually and physically. These are the temptations we need to address.
“And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.” (1 John 5:5, NLT)
What needs to change or be overcome or implemented in order to strengthen your life?
Mark 14:3-9 and Luke 21:1-4 brought us to two women: the first one woman gave lavishly and lovingly. The other gave proportionately without having plenty.
Both gave from the heart and their giving has been recorded for us so that we learn.
God looks at the heart of the giver, at their motivation.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
(Winston Churchill)
God is not so interested in the amount, or quantity, we have given. He desires for our giving to stem from love for Him and for others.
We need to make right choices – healthy heart choices.
We brought the study to a close with reading John 13:12-20, where we find the familiar story of the conversation Jesus had after He washed the feet of His disciples.
Some of what we are called to do will require sacrifice, tenacity, and energy. The study asks a very good question: “Where do we get the energy to keep going?”
We need to tend to ourselves both spiritually and physically for one will surely impact the other.
The study brings this poignant reminder:
“Ask God for a strong spiritual foundation to support the physical act of serving.”
May we take the time to ask God to strengthen any area of our spiritual lives, so that we better serve our families, friends, and community and to the glory of God.
As we overcome temptations and make changes,
we make healthier heart choices,
and are better able to serve others to the glory of God.
Photo 1: by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
Photo 2: by Seth kane on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Tell His Story and Purposeful Faith .
Joanne, good morning! And this is so true right here –> ‘There are, and will be, temptations to skip that which is good and best for us.’
Temptation will always be with us because the enemy never tires of trying to get a hold of our lives. Thanks for the needed reminder to be savvy and discerning and to choose to keep our eyes on Christ.
We may tire, but the enemy never does. May we press on every day!
Preach it! The connections between our physical and spiritual needs (as well as our mental and academic/artistic) are real—but too often easy to ignore. God wants us to be in good health so that we can serve him, but also so that we can live our best life (it’s hard to do either if we’re out of energy and feeling lousy).
It is so true. If we want to live our best lives, we best take care of this one life we have.
I think I need to pray about my energy levels, Joanne. In all areas. Thank you for this prompting to do so. 🙂
I guess He was prompting us both, Lois 🙂
This fits perfectly with where I’m studying in Luke 19:18 with the servant who earned five minas rather than ten like the first servant, Joanne. It’s all about how faithful we are to God’s assignment–using the gift and enablement He gives us. It’s not how effective I am per se, but how faithful I am that matters. I love that because so often I do not feel effective–at least seeing the visible results of my labors for Christ. Thanks for your words of encouragement along that same line, my friend!
Beth, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I think one day, when we stand before the Lord, He will fully reveal our effectiveness to the honor of His Name. May we be faithful until then for one day – “it will be worth it all”. Grateful you shared!
Joanne, you gave me some good food for thought. And that quote by Winston Churchhill…that got me thinking about the difference between making a living and making a life. We’re navigating a situation right now where I’m seeing how important it is to keep making a life a priority.
The quote is something I have never forgotten. Jeanne, may the Lord give you wisdom in navigating the situation in the days ahead.