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Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is … Challenge.


The word causes me to think of a dare, a call to compete or a contest.

My Bible dictionary defines it this way: “to put to a test or trial; to dispute with.”

Every day we face challenges of varied sorts and levels of difficulty. A challenging day can stem from navigating traffic to get to work to tackling the never ending pile of laundry. It can be getting your child to finish their homework or getting through a chemo treatment. The pile of bills which far outweigh the money in the checking account can seem like an impossible challenge to overcome.

Challenges come packaged up in any number of ways.

It’s when we are faced with a challenge, when our faith is being put to the test, that we discover something new about our God and often, about ourselves.

As we face these moments which seem to challenge us to go beyond ourselves, we discover we never face a challenge alone. God is with us in the middle of every challenge.

“Lord, there is no one like you! For you are great, and your name is full of power.” (Jeremiah 10:6, NLT)

As we face the challenges of life, may we remember –
God is with us in every challenge.