Life brings us situations which test our faith in God. In just a few days time, I can wonder about medical tests, job openings, the state of the world, and the cynicism found on twitter.
An hour of news can remind me there are earthquakes, fires, people snatching children from strollers, and of a craziness not ever before seen which abounds all around.
As quickly as my insides rattle, I am reminded that God is never rattled. Not ever. In fact, He always remains the same. Exactly the same.
He doesn’t change His mind (Numbers 23:29); He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8); and He doesn’t shift like the shadows (James 1:17).
These truths encourage me to keep my hope in Jesus, no matter what life may deliver my way. I need to remember exactly Who Jesus is, and always will remain.
In her book, Afraid Of All the Things, Scarlet Hiltibidal explains:
“One Sunday, my pastor suggested that most Christians sway one way or the other, either focusing on Christ’s deity or His humanity. If we’re fixated on His deity, forgetting His humanity, we view Him as mean and scary and disappointed in us. If we are fixated on His humanity, ignoring His deity, we lack the fear that produces reverence and humility.
But when we remember that Jesus is both fully God and fully man, we remember that He looks at us, battling our anxiety, whether our flesh is functioning fully or failing miserably, and He feels compassion and empathy for His people.”
(from page 171-172)
We need to remember who Jesus is – He is fully God AND fully man. He is not one or the other, and not one over the other. He is fully both at the same time, always.
“So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.” (John 1:14, NLT)
In this mundane world we call home, Jesus came and lived among us. He came to demonstrate the Father’s unfailing love and faithfulness to His people, who must live in a world that can be hostile and cold. He came to bring hope because He is hope.
“And his name will be the hope of all the world.” (Matthew 12:21, NLT)
May we remind ourselves of the hope we have in Jesus. This world can never take away our hope because Jesus is forever with us.
Jesus -Â
fully divine,
fully human,Â
100% hope.
Today I am joining … Destination Inspiration and Tune In Thursday .
How amazing that God is never rattled.
“The Lord of Hosts is with us.”
Beautiful truth from the Word, Joanne.
I think I tend to forget Christ’s humanity. In fact, I have just been pondering that for the past week or two. Jesus must have been a teenager and suffered all the growing pains of puberty (after He wowed the elders at the temple when he was 12). I wonder what that was like. 🙂
Isn’t it mind-blowing to think of Jesus’ humanity? I hope one day, we get to hear all about it 🙂