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“Paul and Barnabas went to the Jewish synagogue and preached with such power that a great number of both Jews and Greeks became believers” (Acts 14:1, NLT).

Conversation is a large part of our daily lives. We are sharing words both verbally and in writing throughout the day. We talk on the phone, face to face, we text, send emails, and occasionally may even write out a card or a letter.

But what are we speaking?

“When we stand up and speak, folk detect at once whether we stress doctrine or life. If it is the former, we never run risks. We keep carefully within the limits of our doctrinal scheme … But if it is life we are stressing, our approach will be different … If only we can present Christ in His living Person to our hearers, and leave them with Him, we know our object will be achieved.”

(from Tables in the Wilderness by Watchman Nee, September 19)

We are not told the exact words spoken that day in the synagogue, but we know Paul often shared his own testimony – his past, his experience with Christ which brought him to repent, and the difference which came about in his life. He shared personally and vibrantly.

Paul knew his words could make a difference in those around him. He spoke words to encourage, words that would infuse courage into those around him. His words brought life and meaning to his hearers.

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer” (Psalm 19: 14, NLT).

Only as the Word of God is broken open to our understanding by the Holy Spirit will we then speak words effectively to those around us.

May we “present Christ”,
“leave them with Him”, and thus,
speak Life to those around us.


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Porch Stories and Let’s Have Coffee and Woman to Woman and Recharge Wednesday .