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If you’ve hung around for a bit, you’ve probably come to realize I am not very tech savvy. There is much I have yet to learn about social media, its “etiquette”, and what responses are to be.

In spite of my inadequacies, I have found a whole community of people and encouragers waiting out there, friends, none of whom I have ever met face to face. I have found authenticity which has blessed me deeply.

This thought brought to mind the time I received a friend request from a blogger I had been reading regularly. Once confirmed, I thanked her for blessing me with the request, as I always consider friendship to be such a gift. And her response?

“I’ve seen your name around, and read your words, and it occurred to me this morning ”“ why are we not fb friends?”

In that split second, I realized the joy which comes from being seen.

And the teachable moment unfolded …..

Jesus saw those who were around Him. He saw the ones who others would walk quickly passed, slowing down to see them. The blind may not have seen Him at first but they were made aware that they, indeed, were seen by Him. The deaf, the lame, the broken, the lepers, the hungry, the lonely, the outcasts ”“ all of them – visible. Their physical healing became secondary to their interaction with Christ. They knew they were not invisible to Jesus …

“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36, NLT)

Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.” (Matthew 14:14, NLT)

When Jesus “saw”, it was for the purpose of action and reaction to the needs and hurts of those He saw:

  • He saw their confusion and helplessness and was moved to compassion. He knew they needed guidance on how to live and move forward.
  • He saw their illnesses and was moved to bring their bodies healing.

May we become a people who see others. May we see the potential, and the divine appointment, in every interaction we experience in our day. May we part ways leaving people affirmed, noticed, and grateful to have been in our company.

May we be like Jesus and see.
May we be moved to action with compassion.


*This is a partial repost.