For the past week, I have been thinking on the various ways in which we judge people and then tack on, “but not to judge…” as if to excuse ourselves.
We judge others by their appearance, occupation, education, nationality, and money although we try so desperately to overlook each one of these.
In Mark 12:38-40, Jesus criticizes the teachers of the religious law for their hypocrisy. They talked out one side of their mouth while not living it out. They had forgotten the greatest commands – “Love God and love your neighbor as yourself” (my paraphrase).
They had failed to give God the worship which belonged to Him alone. They sought for the recognition to be theirs. They had also cheated the widows of their property and thereby, taking from the needy although God commands His people to be concerned with the widows.
“Mark surely intended his readers to see in Jesus’ words not only a condemnation of the abuses of Jewish teachers but also a warning about the development of similar abuses in Christian circles … The behavior of the Jewish religious leaders is held up to criticism as a negative example.”
(from the New International Biblical Commentary by Larry W. Hurtado, page 206)
“We know that the law is good when used correctly.” (1 Timothy 1:8, NLT)
“…when used correctly…”, the Law will point others to their need of a Savior. The law was not, and is not, to be used as a weapon to cause guilt or shame. The law is to be used as a mirror, reflecting any sin in our lives and leading us to Christ for forgiveness.
Prayer: Lord, help me to love you with all my heart first and foremost. And then, help me to love my neighbor, as You define my neighbor for me. Help me not to look in judgment upon others but through the lens of Your grace, mercy, and forgiveness. For there is no sin in anyone’s life that is worse than any sin in my own life. We are all equal at the foot of the Cross. Thank You for the gift of forgiveness which You pour out on my life every single day. Help me never to forget that I am a sinner saved by Your grace. Amen.
Today I am joining … Porch Stories and Tell His Story and Coffee For Your Heart and Woman to Woman .
We’re neighbors again today 🙂 This time at #Coffeeforyourheart <3
I so want my talk to be pure and not hurtful for others. I feel the Lord is taking me into a deeper level of refining these days and being more cautious in what I say about others is something He's been honing in on. Thanks for your great piece on this topic. Praying your day is blessed and you sense His inspiration as you write.
~Sherry Stahl
Hey there friend o’ my heart! Mimi, I totally get your message here but I am constantly reminded to “judge” “discern” the times, sin, etc. And, the more we mature in HIM, the discerning becomes simply simple – He says yes or no quite plainly. At least to me!!!! People’s actions (IMHO) can and should be judged but the people themselves? Need love, unconditional love…and let Holy Spirit do the hard stuff. He sure worked on me. LOL #formerbadgirl
You have written a beautiful, wise prayer, Joanne. I needed this today!
Trying not to judge doesn’t really mean anything when we go ahead and judge anyways. Something to work on!
may His Word be an instrument of love and grace, not a weapon to wound and destroy.
thanks, Joanne …
“as if to excuse ourselves…” There really is no excuse for sin, is there? (No matter how hard we may try to justify, explain, excuse.) It’s always good to get a little challenge. Thanks for that.