Recently in reading of the call of the first disciples in Luke 5:1-11, several thoughts stood out …
- While many may “press in” on Jesus, only some will “go deeper”. Great crowds gathered round about Jesus that day on the shore of Galilee. They pressed in to hear the word of God (verse 1). But when Jesus was finished speaking, He only called a few to go out deeper into the sea with Him to catch some fish (verse 4).
- Obedience means doing whether it makes sense to us or not. Jesus was not a fisherman and yet He instructed these seasoned fishermen what to do in order to catch fish after they had worked all night and caught nothing. Simon Peter’s response? “But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again” (verse 5).
- Obedience –> Results –> Worship. They let the nets down and this resulted in both boats being filled with fish to the point Scripture tells, they were “on the verge of sinking”. Simon Peter’s response now? “…he fell to his knees before Jesus” (verse 8).
- We must see ourselves for what we are. We are sinners indebted to His grace. Simon Peter said, “Oh, Lord, please leave me – I’m too much of a sinner to be around you” (verse 8).
- Obedience will cause others to be amazed and follow Him. Not only was Peter awestruck by the number of fish they had caught, but the others with him were also amazed. The result? “And as soon as they landed, they left everything and followed Jesus” (verse 11).
“When riches increase, and we are therefore most in temptation to set our hearts upon them, then to quit them for the service of Christ, this is thank-worthy.” (Matthew Henry)
May we live a life that is thank-worthy.
Let’s press in and go deeper.
Today I am joining … Testimony Tuesday and #RaRaLinkup .
I love this Bible story, Joanne, and all the truths you reveal in it. Glad to visit from the #testimonytuesday linkup.
May I not resist the call to always go deeper with Jesus! Thanks for this story of Truth this am.!
Bev xx
Bev, it is so true. Fear can rise up and cause us to resist. May our desire to go deeper always overcome the fear! xo
Great teaching! I tend to be on the edge of the crowd because it feels safer there. I also know when God calls us to go deeper we honor Him with our “yes”. Who doesn’t want to catch more fish???
Mary, I can also stay where it feels safer. But … I’m all for saying “yes” and catching more fish! xo