“See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” (Hebrews 12:15, NIV)
The profound implication is this: God will always offer the grace we need in any tribulation or tragedy not to become bitter, but if we miss it or refuse it, bitterness can become so deeply rooted that many are defiled.
A war is raging in the heavenlies. Glory is at stake. You will not miss the test. None of us will. But will you miss the grace when the test comes? Keep drinking deeply and daily from the wellspring of God’s grace. Form the habit of living on it so that you’ll not be tempted to do otherwise when the suffering comes.
One day we’ll understand, and until then, we must trust. Keep exposing yourself. Keep offering God your all. Go as far out on the limb as you can. Christ is the Branch that no one can cut out from under you.
(from Voices of the Faithful compiled by Kim P. Davis, pages 110, 111)
Today I am joining … Spiritual Sundays and Scripture & a Snapshot and Open Sunday Thoughts .
I love this call to obedience in the midst of our wonderings.
Happy Sunday, Joanne!
I love that devotional! I love this idea that we really do have to FIGHT the bitterness. Thank you for sharing it on the #Sundaythoughts link up and
I have been enjoying going through this devotional book. We truly do need to be deliberate in our fight against bitterness or it will grow more easily than we realize. Have a great week!
Amen! Another blog post about grace today. Guess I need to think about grace today, right?! Let’s keep bitterness from taking root!
Yes, a steady dose of God’s grace will surely aid in keeping bitterness from rooting in our lives. It’s a daily does that is needed. Grateful He gives a fresh supply each day!
Boy, did I need this today! Thank you!
Me too 🙂
This is so good. I frequently pray that no bitterness or offense take root in me.
I do as well, Elizabeth. Bitterness is destructive to ourselves and those around us. It is something I want uprooted quickly. Grateful for your encouragement!
Wow- missing the grace of God causes a root of bitterness to spring up.
Thank you for sharing that truth from scripture!
It’s something to think about & keep guard over.
We all need grace and can’t afford to miss out on it. And we all need to be vigilant in getting rid of those tiny little roots of bitterness before they grow. Great devotional thought and picture to go with it.
Thank you, Kym. I like the way you worded it … “vigilant in getting rid of those tiny little roots.” May we be vigilantes today 🙂