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It is Holy Week.

Yesterday was Maundy Thursday – the night of our Savior’s last supper.

I spent time yesterday reflecting on what transpired all those years ago, for me. All that occurred, happened for me at this present time in life. Very sobering to be sure.

I read about the Last Supper held in the Upper Room. Jesus with his twelve disciples. The very men that He had ministered with for the last three years. The men closest to Him. The men that knew Him the best & that He knew & loved.

He sat down at a table with this group. Washed their dirty feet. He served them His love & His Words. He treated all twelve the same. Yet He KNEW sitting at that table was the one who would betray Him & the one who would deny Him. Think about that.

He loved them both equally as much as the others. Not that the others were any better because we are told in Matthew 26:56 that at Jesus’ arrest, “all the disciples deserted him & fled.”

This is the group of twelve men that Christ CHOSE to share His last meal on this earth with.

Judas – the one who betrays. Peter – the one who denies.

How truly different am I from either of them? Seriously. How different are you from either of them? How many times have I betrayed Jesus when I have put other things before Him in my life? How many times have I denied Jesus when I have not spoken up when I should have? When I have not taken up His cause? Am I truly any better than those who up & ran? Have I not at times run from the things He wanted me to do?

I am no different than any of them.

Yet Christ gave His life for them. Thankfully He gave His life for me. And for each of us.

We commemorate the Last Supper each time we take Communion:

“Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.” 
(Matthew 26: 27-29 NIV).

Christ had His last supper all those many years ago. He is WAITING for the day when we will all be with Him to partake again. Can we even imagine all the years that He has waited? Waiting for me. Waiting for you. That reduces me to tears every time I think about it.

Think about that.

“Greater love has no one that this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”
(John 15:13 NIV).

That is what we are – His friends. And He lay down His life for each of us.

May we remember.

*I joined in at Faith Filled Friday and Fellowship Fridays .