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I must admit – I needed the quiet of this past Sunday afternoon. The calm in the room did my body and soul good since my emotions were warring against me.

I spent time reflecting and in time, ended up reading in 1 John 5 and became glued to one verse – a most familiar one at that:

“And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him.” (verse 14, NLT)

Those words stopped me right there as the meaning fell deeply. Today my prayer for all of you is truly this – BASK in the truth, the reality – that when we pray, the God of the universe hears us.


The words we utter to Him – in desperation, deliberately, or casually – He hears each one. Not a single word offered up in prayer falls on deaf ears.

While the Scripture may not mean that He responds in exactly the manner we desire, it does mean that He hears us and He responds. Sometimes His response is a “yes”, sometimes a “no”, and sometimes a “wait” or even a “later”. But He hears us. Even the prayer which is nothing more than our tears, He hears each one as they fall.

We tend to think the responses we receive are indicative of the “success”  of our prayers. May we not fall into this trap of the enemy.

As I read yesterday, all these thoughts were brought on by this one quote by Andrew Murray:

“Beware in your prayers, above everything else, of limiting God, not only by unbelief, but by fancying that you know what He can do.”

We are limited in our understanding of prayer, and of God’s ability, because our minds are finite. Well, at least mine is .  But today, let’s remember when God answers our prayers, His answers may look different than our expectations. This does not mean He has not answered in the best possible way. It does mean He sees the full picture, the beginning from the end. He is a good God who does all things well.

May we keep praying and trusting Him with, and for, the answer!


Today I am joining … Testimony Tuesday and #RaRaLinkup and Unite .