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978-1-4964-0338-4All The Pretty Things, by Edie Wadsworth, is the story of a young girl’s journey with her dad, her hero, and her quest to be loved by him.

It is a story which is compelling and heartbreaking as this young girl grows up with neglect, hunger, and responsibilities far beyond what a child should encumber. Yet Edie shares her story with a deep love and compassion for her people.

I found myself unable to put the book down as she drew me in with her warmth and charm, even as she tells of painful circumstances.

But the telling is to offer hope in the midst of overwhelming circumstances. Her words are heartfelt and inspiring, always pointing to a God who will lift any of us out of our messes.


She shares with a vulnerability and transparency which made it impossible to put the book down. Her story and triumph is one which I will remember. While I had never heard of her, I found myself wanting to read more of her words and was delighted to discover her blog .

Her story is heartbreaking, haunting, and yet beautiful and moving. A book sure to be enjoyed and remembered. Edie’s stories demonstrate how we can take our hurts and disappointments and turn them into lessons for life.

Each chapter further pulled me in, the story gripping my heart. Edie brings hope to anyone who has not had a healthy and whole childhood. More so, All The Pretty Things is a story which points us back to the redemptive love of our heavenly Father.


***Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I am disclosing this as required by Federal Trade Commission.

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