We all have heard the expression, “Confession is good for the soul.â€
King David knew this very well from experience. He was the king who sent his troops into battle against their enemy, the Ammoniites, while he remained at home in his palace. While at home, he sees Bathsheba bathing & falls into bed with her. To try & cover that sin up, he sends her husband, Uriah, into the front line of battle in the hopes that he will get killed. His plan works. Or did it?
For one year, things life went on. Let’s check in on David & see how it is working….
“When I refused to confess my sin, my body wasted away, and I groaned all day long. Day and night your hand of discipline was heavy on me. My strength evaporated like water in the summer heat.â€Â        (Psalm 32: 3-4 NLT).
For an entire year, David lived as if he had done nothing wrong. No one seemed to know. But David knew. And God knew. And it all had an effect on him…..
- His body wasted away. He was unable to eat, lost weight, lost his physical stamina.
- He “groaned†all day meaning that it ate away at him.There never was a time that he was not thinking about what he had done.
- God’s hand of discipline was heavy on him. God kept nagging at him & pressing on his heart, mind & soul.
- He had no strength. He was physically weak.
The Holman Old Testament Commentary words it this way:
His soul was aching, racked with pain, agonizing, depressed, and downcast. His zest for life was slowly being drained away.
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This was how David lived for an entire year until the prophet, Nathan, approached him & brought David to the point of confession. Let’s see how this worked for David….
“Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sin is put out of sight! Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of guilt, whose lives are lived in complete honesty!†(Psalm 32:1-2 NLT).
David had come clean before the Lord. He got it all off his chest before his God. And confession had an effect on him as well….
- Joy returned to his life.
- He received forgiveness from his God.
- His sin was put out of sight.
- His record was cleared before God
- His life was able to be lived in complete honesty
May we remember this from The Holman Old Testament Commentary:
God. how often we fall short of your will. Many times we have corrupted our lives with the pollution of sin. We have rebelled against your sovereign authority & right to rule our lives. We beg you to be merciful to us, forgiving our transgressions & covering our sins. Help us not to be stubborn in refusing to confess our sins which we attempt to cover & hide from you. Teach us in the way we should go so we will know the joy of confessed & pardoned sin. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Page 176
And. Let. The. Joy. Return!!!!
* I participated here: http://cornerstoneconfessions.com/2013/03/t2t-linky-party-42.html#comments