This past week, my parents and I had multiple conversations about events in the news. After much talk about several freaky car accidents which had been reported, I remarked, “We may have to start praying before we leave the house like Gram always did.”
Now mind you, this was no quick prayer uttered casually. No, Gram went down on her knees right in her kitchen, having turned a chair to pray. And pray she did.
I know this to be true because there were many times I was there with her and also had to get down on my knees.
Mom was quick to add, “And don’t forget to pray when you return. She prayed going and coming.”
This was true as well.
A few mornings later, I read about Ezra and some of the Jewish exiles taking a return trip to Jerusalem ….
“And there by the Ahava Canal, I gave orders for all of us to fast and humble ourselves before our God. We prayed that he would give us a safe journey and protect us, our children, and our goods as we traveled.” (Ezra 8:21, NLT)
Ezra had openly bragged on God’s ability to protect the Israelites as they journeyed. He could have asked the king for help and protection but to do so would look as if Ezra did not really believe this to be so.
This was not a quick ride in a car or walk to the store. No, this was a trek on foot – walking, all 800 miles. Five thousand people on foot through unprotected territory. Ezra recognized the need for help and called upon God for their protection, safety, and health.
Prayer. Fasting. Some might consider these to be rituals or habits or even a sign of desperation. Yet when we do pray and/or fast we are grounding ourselves in most effective practices, thousands of years old.
This is not a new idea.
When I pray, I am following what those before me have been doing. I follow, and hopefully continue to set, an example. Praying and fasting has been what has molded people as they received help and guidance from God.
As I see the walk and rhythm of those who have gone this way before me, I come to learn exactly what I need to do in my own life.
“So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God would take care of us …
and he heard our prayer.” (Ezra 8:23, NLT)
As Paul Harvey used to say, “And now you know the rest of the story!”
Today I am joining … Weekend Whispers and Faith ‘n Friends .
Oh, I long to be that variety of Christian: she who drops and prays between fridge and microwave — as if my very life depends upon it. Because it does. This is the truth that I overlook each day.
Thanks, Joanne, for this convicting truth, and for bringing me into your “seeing.”
Michele, you brought a smile at the thought of how differently our kitchens today look from those of years gone by. But may the same principles guide us – pray as if our lives depend on it. May we be diligent in this.
I did not have a Godly example of women who prayed in my life growing up. I hope I have modeled this woman of prayer for my own children.
Barbie, all I could think was this …. YOU are the start of the godly line of women in your family!!!
I read that in the She Reads Truth Lent devotional this week as well and journaled about how that verse really stood out to me. I even commented about it to my husband. I love that God spoke to us both from a little known verse!
It’s amazing how a verse can stand out so boldly, isn’t it. May you have a blessed week ahead!
Prayer is a timeless source, isn’t it? Beautiful, Joanne.
((sweet blessings))
I so appreciate you stopping here!