This week we delved into James Chapter 1 ….
- A quick overview. Some of the major themes noticed throughout the chapter are active faith, steadfast hearts, perseverance through trials, godly wisdom and humility. The author of this study states, “Given the choice between pain or comfort, comfort wins every time.” (Jenni Keller) So. very. true. Yet “trials and tribulations” are never wasted in our lives – growth does come. “So let it [endurance] grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” (James 1:4, NLT)
- Endurance and wisdom are crucial. Full grown endurance –> growth in our lives. With wisdom comes stability. Wisdom provides us with discernment in the everyday issues we face. All we need do is ask. “If you need wisdom, ask for generous God, and he will give it to you.” (James 1:5, NLT)
- Who is tempting us? We discovered the source of temptation is never our God. Temptations come from the struggles within our own hearts. Although Satan shoots that first dart of poison into our souls, our own flesh plays a huge part in yielding. “Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.” (James 1:14-15, NLT)
- Signs of pure religion. Orphans and widows were the most helpless in society at that time. Without a man in their lives, there was no means of financial support or connection to society. We need to pray and encourage one another so that we all press on, keep sowing seeds and make an eternal impact while here on this earth. “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” (James 1:27, NLT)
- Takeaway. As I look back over this week of study, I wrote down … Let faith grow (verse 4) and my life will —> pure and genuine religion in the sight of God (verse 27). If I do the beginning of this chapter, my life will be the end of this chapter.
Today I am joining … Inspire Me Monday and Reflect and Playdates With God and #SmallWonder .
Book of James is a powerful Book in the Bible. I love the take away too!
Doing what the Bible says is most important to growing our faith in Christ.
God Bless
I have been amazed, Ifeoma, at how much is hitting me fresh 🙂 James has much to say, much to give by way of wisdom & yes, is very powerful.
My Pastor is doing a series on James. I’ve enjoyed the study very much.
I loved your insight into the fact that if you do the beginning of the chapter your life will become the end of the chapter.
When I read the following words you shared, “Given the choice between pain or comfort, comfort wins every time.†(Jenni Keller), I was quite convicted.
Thanks so much for sharing!
Karen, I am sure it is a wonderful study which your pastor is doing. James has a ways of bringing much wisdom while stepping on our toes 🙂 May we grow as we study. Grateful you shared here.
YES! How radical would we become if we would only DO WHAT HE SAYS?
Thank you for these thoughts.
Michele, it is amazing how a most familiar book can step on my toes. Praying to do what He says. I always appreciate when you stop here.
I have been reading Isaiah of late, but believe I need to add James as it has been awhile since I read this powerful book. I will be keeping in mind, no matter what Book I am reading in the Bible, that by doing the beginning of the chapter, my life will be the end. Profound!
Thankful you are my neighbor at Small Wonder.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
Linda, you have made a wonderful point. As we read each book in the Bible, it is at a most timely point in our lives. May we apply as we read so that our lives bear fruit. Thankful you shared.
I’ve been memorizing James 1 for several weeks now so it’s neat to see what you’re learning from it! We also serendipitously have been having a sermon series on the whole book of James this summer at my church. I love when God uses repetition to teach me. I definitely need it. Thanks for sharing what you’re learning, Joanne.
Lisa, like you, I love when God repeats. May God bless you as you memorize – not always easy to do but so worth every effort.
James is one of my favorites. Straightforward and explicit. If God is real then we should be living like it! 🙂 Stopping by from Reflect.
Love how you describe James – “straightforward & explicit”. Yes! He definitely steps on toes in a much needed way 🙂