Lord, I am ready for the journey to freedom. Lead the way! Thank you that you’ve already cleared the path for me, and that you won’t leave me knotted in my insecurities. Thank you for loving me in the middle of my tangles, the places where I’ve felt so unlovable. I want to know I am good enough!
Would you please give me the ears and eyes to know you are with me? Would you guide me through the tangle so I don’t get tripped up along the way? I need resolve to stick with it, especially when it gets hard. Please encourage me at just the right time. give me hope that freedom is possible.
Help me to cease striving and know you are God. My God. My Creator and Restorer. I love you, Lord. Thank you for loving me first.
In the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.
(taken from “Untangled: Let God Loosen the Knots of Insecurity in Your Life” by Carey Scott, page 210)
** The publishers have graciously provided me with two copies of “Untangled†to offer to my readers. I’m going to make this easy – – just leave a comment asking to be entered in the giveaway. The giveaway will close tonight, at midnight, and I will announce the winners tomorrow, selecting the winners using random.org.
~~Monday June 8th: The hardest part of doing a giveaway is that I always want for everyone to win 🙂 I combined everyone from this post & my review, which was posted last Monday. The winners of the 2 copies of #Untangled as picked by random.org are Theresa E. and Michelle F. I will contact both for their mailing addresses. Thank you to everyone who entered. I truly hope you all are able to read the book. It was wonderful!
Today I am joining … Give Me Grace and Sunday Stillness and Spiritual Sundays and Scripture & A Snapshot .
I need to ponder this!
This is inspirational. I would love to enter this giveaway. Thanks for sharing and hosting!
From TGAWrites
And you are 🙂
I would love to read Untangled. It is so reassuring that God loves us even with all our baggage. Thank you God for your love and mercies!!
Irene, you are entered. His love for us, in spite of our messes, is so reassuring!
OOoh you know me and books – but this sounds like part of my life message and I would love to be entered in the Giveaway!
Karrilee, I was happy you entered! I’ll be picking later today.
Knowing His Presence is near seems to be the only way I get through those tangled spots. The prayer is beautiful and felt I was praying it myself as I read.
Visiting from Spiritual Sundays.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
PS…I would love to entered in the giveaway. Thanks.
Linda, you are entered 🙂 Many of her chapters end with beautiful & encouraging prayers.
I would LOVE to win a copy of Untangled. It’s so where I am right now.
Barbie, so glad you entered! I’ll be picking later today.
YES!! Amazingly, He created me, kept me alive, moved me around… our towns, nation, countries, world… and I trust Him, since I’ve been truly alive when the opportunity as a kid it could easily have gone the other way and I’d have not truly known Him then. I’m a grateful cookie. Thank you so much!! [AND daily/momentarily, I thank HIM very much, too!]
I’m glad He created you & has kept you so that at this point our paths would cross 🙂
Thanks for the opportunity!
I’ll be picking later today. So glad you entered!
Beautiful prayer!