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11015084_865590096835214_4335680576188250137_nThis week we find Jacob moving his family to Egypt where his entire family is reunited. There were wonderful truths to be gleaned  …

  • May they all be there!  “So Jacob and his entire family went to Egypt…” (Genesis 46:6, NLT) If you want the exact number, check out Genesis 46:26-27. All I know is I want to be like Jacob. I want to cross into heaven with ALL my people. I want each of them there with me. I bet you do too!!! May we be faithful to pray for our families each and every day.
  • The Shepherds. The Egyptians despised Joseph’s family occupation of shepherding. In 1 Corinthians 1:27, we read God often chooses what is weak and lowly to shame those who think they are wise. Nothing should be considered beneath us. May our eyes be opened to the truth God often uses the simple jobs, the weak people, that which the world considers foolish to do His work. The Egyptians looked down on shepherds. Interesting when you think in light of Jesus being our Shepherd … 11350609_10155841462860508_1332075267007536078_n
  • May our words bless others. Jacob is brought into meet Pharaoh. He blessed Pharaoh upon entering his court and then again, before leaving his court (Genesis 47:9-10). May we remember, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:21, NIV). May our words be encouraging, kind and gentle.
  • Desperation will move us to do what we ordinarily would not. As the famine increases, the Egyptians are moved to give to Pharaoh all their money, all their livestock, their land, their harvests, and themselves. When we are feeling desperate or hopeless, may we remember and rely upon the truth of God’s Word to fight off the lies of the enemy.
  • History will repeat itself if we are not careful. As he knows his last days are coming, Jacob looks to convey his blessing on Joseph’s sons. He does the same very same thing which had been done with himself and Esau – he gives the first born blessing to the second born.

May we learn to rest in God’s faithfulness and sovereignty to work out His will in our lives without our manipulation.



Today I am joining … Playdates With God and Create With Joy and Sharing His Beauty and #SmallWonder and Inspire Me Monday .