Mimi’s daycare started back up when the new year began. The funniest thing is now happening at nap time. Sophia still naps. Or somewhat naps. I had to move her out of the crib & into the bed in the guest room. She loved that idea! All was good. Then she discovered that she had the freedom to get herself in & out of the bed. And so, this is now the typical conversation when she awakens:
Me: “Sophia, you took such a good nap!”
Sophia: “Well not actually.”
Me: “Oh?”
Sophia: “I got out of the bed & danced in front of the mirror to see what I looked like.” OR….
“I did my exercises.” OR…..
“Then, I looked out the window to see who was walking by.”
Now the order might change. What she actually does may change. But eventually she does fall asleep. The funny part is that she really is very quiet & I never truly know that any of it is taking place – until she wakes up.
It totally cracks me up to hear what has gone on behind the closed door.
In laughing about this the other day, I realized that there is something precious in all of this……
                     Sophia truly feels the need to confess.
We have all heard the saying, “Confession is good for the soul.” And it is. The psalmist writes:
Then I acknowledged my sin to you & did not cover up my iniquity. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD” – and you forgave the guilt of my sin.
Psalm 32:5 NIV
That word, “confess” means “to speak out, to acknowledge” (Old Testament Lexical Aids). But interestingly, it also means to admit one’s wrong or to admit as true. In other words, in speaking out or admitting our wrong, we are saying, “YES, I was wrong”.
As I have watched the Lance Armstrong debacle unfold, I have gone through a wide range of emotions. Angry that he was accused. Pity that he had to keep defending himself. Sorry that his name was being dragged around. Then, then, then – his admission. Are we serious? Only when there was no longer an out, when he knew he had hit a dead end, did he – confess.
In thinking about both Sophia’s confession & now Lance’s, I realize the preciousness of quick confession. I have prayed over her, as she confesses :), that she may always have a tender heart bent towards admitting her wrong & keeping her slate wiped before her God. It has caused me to examine myself & ask…
How quick am I to confess before my God?
Scripture tells us this:
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful & just & will forgive us our sins & purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1: 9 NIV)
Thus we learn that we only make due progress in the knowledge of the Word of the Lord when we become really humbled and groan under the burden of our sins and learn to flee to God’s mercy and find rest in nothing except His fatherly favor.
John Calvin
May we learn that confession means finding rest in God’s mercy.