We are blessed when we have people in our lives who teach us lessons which impact our lives. We are beyond blessed when the person teaching us those life impacting lessons also happens to be your mom.
I am one of those persons who is beyond blessed.
I always knew as a kid she was special as my friends always loved her. And this is saying something, as she also worked in my school! Now as an adult, I am coming to appreciate the depth of her character in leaps and bounds.
Mom possesses this amazing ability to look beyond circumstances to the good. It is not the same as positive thinking. Mom always frames it within the context of God’s goodness and His ability to get us through all things.
Over the years as difficulties hit, I have heard her say {countless times}, “This time tomorrow {{or next week or next month}} it will all be over (or finished or accomplished}.” She always helped us to see that in God’s time, He would get us through the situation and it would become a part of our past. She made us realize there is no situation which God cannot change – in His time, in His way. Our part was to hold on.
It was a perspective which looked beyond – beyond what was occurring, beyond the pain, beyond the difficulty to the possibility of what lay waiting for us.
Beyond, as defined by dictionary.com >> “on, at, or to the farther side of; farther on than; more distant than.” But I stopped in my tracks as I read this one >> “outside the understanding, limits, or reach of, past.”
In the middle of those definitions, I found the truth mom already knew –
When life is beyond our comprehension, beyond our endurance, beyond anyone’s ability to help – we look beyond to Him.
These last few months, mom and I have shared some life experiences which we never would have, or could have, anticipated. Each time we leave the house, one of us says to the other, “We’re going on our adventure for the day.” {{smile and laughter follows}} And it truly has been an adventure to which our God has been more than faithful to us.
You may be wondering why I am sharing so much about my mom. To answer that, I must tell you she is the most incredible woman and today is her birthday.
Her 80th to be exact!!!
God has not only blessed her with long life but with a sharp mind which is still intact, a love for my dad and our family which is fierce, a sense of humor which keeps us all laughing till our eyes squirt and our sides hurt. She has more wisdom and understanding in her small five foot frame than a room full of people put together.
Happy Birthday, Mom! There will never be words to express the depth of my love for you. You truly are the greatest influence in my life as you have always pointed me to Jesus. You never gave me permission to give up or lose hope. Your faith and trust in God has been contagious for which I will forever be grateful. Thank you for continually being a living example of looking beyond!
“I lift up my eyes to the hills – where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”
(Psalm 121:1-2, NIV)
Today I am joining … Tell His Story and Three Word Wednesday and Wedded Wednesday and Works for Me and Coffee & Conversation and Women With Intention .
I would say “happy birthday” to your mum, but you have GUARANTEED that she will have a great day!
Many thanks!
It sounds like you have an amazing mother. You are definitely “beyond blessed” and this is a wonderful tribute to her. I hope she has an incredibly happy 80th birthday! She certainly deserves it.
She truly did deserve it. And thank you for blessing us by stopping here!
What a tribute! What a blessing to have someone like that for a mom. I’m glad you shared at #ThreeWordWednesday.
Thank you, Kristin, as she continues to bless us each day.
What a great tribute to your mom, Joanne! I can’t say that I would have those same kinds of glowing descriptions of my mom, (who died back in 2002). Not that my mom wasn’t a good mom or a mom who taught me to love Jesus and to trust Him in all things, but she was a bit more cantankerous than she was compassionate at times! So you truly are “beyond blessed” my friend. But I will say that even though my mom could be difficult at times, I am still beyond blessed to be her daughter, because God taught me much in that “middle time of wilderness wandering.” Thanks so much for sharing about your family, my friend! You all look great in that photo!
Beth, I am so grateful that God used your relationship with your mom to teach you more about Him. He redeems every relationship & circumstance in our lives when we let Him. You bless so many!
Very sweet. I, too, am blessed with a wonderful mom. Happy birthday to yours!
I am so glad that you are blessed as well. You know how full my heart then on this special birthday. May we both continue to enjoy these precious relationships each day!
How very beautiful! I’m off to red your message that I saw come through my email and got buried. I just now – in this no sleep time 😉 – recalled it.
Your family is beautiful!!
Thank you, Heather. Praying you continue to strengthen each day.
Beautiful words dedicated to your Mother; she sounds like an amazing woman full of grace and love!!! Makes me miss my mama; she was amazing too! How blessed we are to have (had) mothers who encourage and inspire us!! 🙂 I love the picture; beautiful family Joanne!
Blessings and love!
Denise, we have been blessed for sure & I am glad you were as well. No wonder you are such an encourager. May we both learn & grow from their example to also be women who encourage & inspire others. Thank you, friend!
Joanne – A Truly Wonderful Tribute to your mom, whom I am thrilled to call my Friend! Yes, Jo, you are blessed to have her solid Christian teaching and example all these years – but knowing your mom, I’m sure she feels exactly the same about you — for you too, are a wonderful Christian lady/daughter/mother who has been a solid Christian teacher and example to your children also. You and your children – rise up to call your moms “Blessed”!! — Knowing your beautiful, woman-of-God Grandma too, I gotta say the “apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”! And that’s just grand!!!! 🙂 — Soooo Blessed!
Love Ya!
Angela, the friendship the two of you have is such a blessing. I have been so blessed in seeing the encouragement you both bring to each other. God has been so good in weaving you both together! I love you.
What an example of a Titus 2 woman 🙂 Thank you for sharing at Women With Intention Wednesdays! I look forward to what you will be sharing this week!
I’m glad you look forward to these posts as much as I enjoy joining you.