It is the morning after Christmas. At this point, all the gifts are unwrapped and opened. We’ve oohed and ahhed over each and tried them on and played with them and laughed over them. For all those who need to know, there are only 363 days 15 hours 17 minutes (as of this writing) left until Christmas 2015 🙂
This morning I am thinking about how much time is spent waiting ….
- in lines
- for promotions
- for a house
- for a job opening
- for retirement
- for a baby to be arrive
- to get a grade back on an exam
- for a day off
- for healing
- for birthdays, anniversaries and other celebrations
- for a vacation
- to get married
- for the coffee to finish perking {{oops, that me this morning!!!}}
We wait a lot and often. Waiting, as defined by, is “to remain inactive or in a state of repose, as until something expected happens; to be available or in readiness; to postpone or delay in expectation”.
We remain inactive -resting – until something expect happens.
But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the Law. (Galatians 4:4)
God also knew about waiting. He had set the time in the course of all mankind for Christ to come. Here’s the thing I learned this morning about the word “fully” – “it denotes the completion of a particular period of time previously ordained and appointed” (from the New Testament Lexical Aids). It also means “to make full, to fill up”.
What is it we are waiting for or waiting to happen?
We wait, resting in Him, until something happens. The NLT puts it this way, “but when the right time came, God sent his Son.” If it hasn’t happened yet, perhaps He knows it is not the right time just yet. But when the right time comes, the time set by Him, He is going to fill you up beyond your expectations. He is going to knock your socks off!
You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. (Psalms 139:16, NLT)
May we wait in expectation for the set time to fully come.
Today I am joining with … Fellowship Fridays and Friendship Friday and Blessing Counters and Faith Filled Friday .
I’m always convicted about the “right time.” God’s timing and mine are rarely in sync!! LOL But I’ve learned that His timing is perfect, if I am only willing to wait.
May He mold our hearts so they are willing to wait, Holly.
Yes, God’s timing IS always perfect…it’s the waiting (patiently?) that gets to me!! Sometimes I want His time to hurry up, or maybe I plan myself and He has to use my mistakes to set things back in His timing…thank you for sharing – I am struggling just to get this day started!!
Barbara, as this new year rolls in, may we remember that He does all things at the right time. May we rest in His timing and trust Him. Blessings!
Jo, this is exactly what God is speaking to me…. wait upon me rest in me…
I love how you shared “fully”… In the fullness of time. What an encouragement! God has a fullness in time for everything concerning me. I celebrate and praise Him for His Word, His blogger (you) and the grace given me to receive. I love you. Mare
Mare, I am grateful this spoke to you. Be willing to wait – He is faithful & knows how He is guiding you.
Waiting expectantly, with hope, for God to reveal more of himself…an epiphany? Trusting in His perfect timing…yes.
I am always amazed at how often I can forget to just wait. Waiting does not mean the absence of activity. We wait with expectancy, praying. May you have a blessed 2015!
God has had to teach me a lot about waiting, as a pretty impatient person, I always want to get onto the next thing. But I think it’s important to enjoy and make the most of where we are as well. I once got given a fridge magnet which says grow where God plants you, and I think this is important to remember, God can use us wherever we are. Yes get excited and dream about the future but make sure you enjoy today as well
I loved that reminder of those little magnets! We can often forget it takes a period of time for a plant to grow. And so it is with us as well. May we be more patient in 2015. May you & yours have a most blessed 2015!
Thanks joanne, im really enjoying looking at your blog by the way 😄
This ministered to me Joanne. It made me remember my season of waiting for motherhood. It made me remember his grace in answering my prayer at the appointed time. Great word/ work friend. Happy new year!
Lisha, your comment reminded me of my own pregnancy. It was easy to wait during the first 8 months. But oh how hard it became to wait during the 9th month. The urgency & expectancy of what was to come made me so antsy. May we have that same expectancy & urgency in 2015 as we wait for all that He is going to bring into each of our lives. Blessings to you & yours!
Thanks for sharing this post. Lots of love.
Thank you for stopping here. I enjoyed visiting your blog as well 🙂 May you & yours have a most blessed 2015!
Hi, Joanne!
Thank you for stopping by my blog.
You have a great wealth of information on your blog.
As for waiting. I waited for many years, through many prayers, for our son to go back to church. After many years of wondering if things will ever change, he is back in church and he is in Sunday School with us. The `waiting` room is often times painful. However, I appreciate the waiting, as I have seen God at work.
Michelle, I am so grateful that God worked in & through your prayers & brought your son back to Himself. Waiting is never easy but may we remember He is at work even while we wait. Blessings!
Thank you, Joanne!
The enemy is already at work, tho. This same son has a court appearance today, for something he says he didn’t do. The fine, if he is found guilty, will be between $200 – $1,000. Or, he could go to jail. He doesn’t have a job, we gave him some money, and I told him, `No matter what happens, trust God and pray.`
Michelle, I will be praying for this court appearance. May the ruling go in the manner God knows will be most effective in your son’s life. May God fill you with His peace & assurance today.
Thank you!
I love how God keeps reassuring and strengthening me with His word.
I’m waiting on some certain things this year and it hasn’t been easy but Romans 4 is my go to.
Abraham my mentor in this..
At the set time, God shall bring it all to pass!
Nice blog too!
I also did a study on faith and the wait on my blog,
The contributions and all really helped.
You can read it below
I love Romans 4 as it so fills us with hope. I think the very best definition of faith lies right in those verses >> “being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised” (verse 21, NIV). May we be fully persuaded in God’s promises. Grateful you stopped & shared. Blessings!