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December 1st – the start of the Advent Season.

I am still processing the last few weeks in which so much has transpired. As I continue to look back over it all, I have been filled with a fresh love and appreciation for Christ. Let me share the verse which has been weaving its way through my mind for days now:

“You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich.” (2 Corinthians 8:9, NLT)

Let me point out a few things ….

  1. Notice His grace is generous
  2. Notice it is for YOUR sakes – each of us, individually
  3. Notice the “so that” so you don’t miss the exchange
  4. Notice He wants to make you “rich”

This is the verse which became the basis for an “Advent Project” which we will be doing as a family this month. We are going to look for Jesus in the midst of our busy and hectic days – in small ways. If I may, I am going to reword the above verse in this way for this project:

“Though He was BIG and MAJESTIC, He became small and inconspicuous.”

For you see, He shows up every day, in each of our lives, in small ways. It is as we recognize and acknowledge those small ways, we are going to discover the greatness of our Lord. And we will also come to discover just how rich He has made our lives.

May you see Him today in the small.

In so doing,

May you come to see His greatness.


Today I am joining with … Playdates with God and Unforced Rhythms and Inspire Me Mon. and Mon. Musings and Create with Joy and Making Your Home Sing and Good Morning Mon. and Salt & Light .