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My blogging friend, Holly, invited me to this blog hop.

I met Holly through our blogs and the comments we shared. Then I signed up for an (in)courage group which she was one of the leaders. Holly is genuine and her posts always give me cause to think. Her warmth and love for people will touch you as you read her posts. And she will respond if you leave her a comment! Holly will also give the most loving “push” to encourage one to get out of their comfort zone and try something new. I love that about her. Her “push” is why I am doing this post!

The blog hop asks 4 Questions about writing and then we each introduce 3 writers we love. So here goes.  – See more at:
The blog hop asks 4 Questions about writing and then we each introduce 3 writers we love. So here goes.  – See more at:

The blog hop asks 4 questions about writing and then we each introduce 3 writers we enjoy. So here goes nothing πŸ™‚

1) What am I writing or working on?

Right now I am working on writing a guest post for another blogger. Most of my posts come out of my devotional time so they are inspired from Scriptures and books which I currently read. I am an avid reader, always with several books going at the same time, a habit I have tried to break, several times. Epic fail. I continue to be amazed when the words I read intersect with circumstances current in my life.

2) How does my work differ from others of its genre?

I don’t think anything I have ever written (or will write) has not already been written. But perhaps what has already been said, needs to be repeated by each of us. We all live different lives, have various backgrounds and process life in such an individual way. This means we each have a story to share, unique to us. So even though something has been already said, we each write unique to us. The words we write become original and may strike a cord never hit before.

I also think what may makes me different is that I am processing life through the eyes of being a woman, a wife, a mother, a mother-in-law and now a Mimi. I find God in the daily occurrences in my life. Always have. And I love how He can make the mundane, sacred.

3) Why do I write what I do?

I started writing at a difficult time in my life. Our family was going through a painful experience which was affecting each of us, albeit, differently. I wanted my children to know what was in the heart and mind of their mother as I processed through this time with God.

As time passed, I discovered I was writing because I felt compelled to do it. As I continued, and connections were made, writing strengthened my relationship with God and with others. Writing became a lifeline, a means of fulfillment and enriching relationships.

Writing is the process in which I discover God in my everyday life. He meets me when I write. His Word comes alive, inviting me to join Him as I search for answers to hard questions and discover – He is the answer. Every time.

I guess one could say, I love writing because I love God.

4) How does my writing process look?

My process? I am not even sure I have one! I have bits of paper all over the place. They may have a page number from a book with a thought, or a quote. Sometimes they have a Scripture reference which has sprung to life with new meaning.

I tend to wake up long before the rest of my house, often before the sun comes up. With my coffee and my devotional and my Bible, I begin to read and meet with God and see what words begin to form.

Sometimes they come in the middle of playing with my granddaughters and I will step away from them, scribble a note and return to the note later on in the day.

And then there have been those times, I have woken in the middle of the night with words coming. I will get up, type out my words and go to back to bed.

I’m finding my process looks differently from day to day.

And now I want to introduce you to three women, whom I met through writing. Their words always bless me. More times than they know, they cause me to think differently, think better and deeper. Through meeting them online, I have discovered that God will go to any length to bring His people together and make relationship.

Laura Connell head shotI met Laura when she left a comment on my blog. It did not take long for a connection to form as Laura is an encourager. Laura shares from her heart – with a vulnerability which touches deeply.

Laura shares, “GodÒ€ℒs Girl is my love letter to Jesus. The goal is for the blog to be a place where women gather to grow in confidence and walk in freedom through knowledge of the Word and a deepening relationship with Christ.
Through the truth of Scripture I have been healed of many addictions and hang-ups including body image issues, alcoholism, post-abortion trauma, anger, and people-pleasing.
I believe God speaks to each of us individually through the verses of Scripture according to our spiritual needs. He meets us there and teaches us to grow and change so we can walk in the freedom His Son bought for us with His blood.”

You can find Laura Connell at: God’s Girl – Growing together through Christ.


profiletwitterI am not even sure how I first met Shelly other than it was through a blog link up. Shelly quickly won my heart not only with her writing but with the music she shares in her posts as well. This is a woman who suffers with physical pain on a regular basis but you would never know it as she exudes joy in everything she writes. Oh, and can I just say, connecting with Shelly means she will love on you and pray for you. And I know she prays for me as she writes me the words of her prayer.

Shelly Hendricks is a wife and mother of 2 amazing kids. She was a teacher and a librarian in another life. She also suffers from Intracranial Hypertension and Essential Tremor, among a myriad of other issues mostly stemming from these two. She had brain surgery in 2012, to install a VP Shunt, and had a revision in January of this year. She now considers herself to be a Γ’β‚¬Λœbionic womanÒ€ℒ who is learning to walk again. Disability has been hard to deal with, but she depends on God for all strength and hopes to encourage others on this journey.”

You can find Shelly Hendricks at: Renewed Daily.


Janis_12-1I met Janis through blog hops and comments. Seeing her smiling face often drew me to click on her post to read. Her words are genuine. Her heart is kind. And she always shares her love for God.

“Spending moments with family and sharing laughter, conversation, and coffee with friends are my greatest joys. IÒ€ℒm wife to the most patient man alive and mother of two grown sons~one recently married, the other seeking out his career. ItÒ€ℒs a stage of transitions and I cannot make it without Jesus. I love writing about where I find Him. In a friendÒ€ℒs words. A desert sunset. The oceans roar. His touch in the little things. I long for others to discover His breath of life on them. Great escapes equal photography, travel, scrapbooking, a great Christian novel, GodÒ€ℒs glorious creations, and chocolate!”

You can find Janis Van Keuren at Heart-Filled Moments.

As you can see, blogs can form wonderful connections. The interactions can be life-giving and bring a breath of fresh air at needed times. I hope you will go visit my online friends. You are sure to be blessed for having read their words.


And today I joining with … Unforced Rhythms and  Sharing His Beauty and Making Your Home Sing and Inspire Me Mon. and Motivation Mon. and Mon. Musings .