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Seriously, they did not know. They had no way of knowing. And yet, God used them, their words, in and through Twitter. Of all the ways to be used by God!

My daughter and son-in-law will be celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary this weekend. And you got it – we get to have the two girls stay with us. To say that Sophia is beside herself, well, it really is an understatement. Jocelyn, not quite two, is just going along for the ride. But Sophia has been counting and planning for some time now.

As for me (Mimi) and Poppy, we have been planning activities and menus and baths and routines and where we will sleep for the big “sleepover party” (as it is now affectionately being labeled).

My heart is full right now. OK, it is actually swelling to capacity. To think this imperfect woman, wife, mother and now, Mimi, is loved so deeply by these two little girls is overwhelming. They make me feel like I am the best thing since ice cream and trust me, they take their ice cream quite seriously. They get it from their dad who majored in ice cream!

There just are no words.

And then I came to read some tweets this morning …

Beth Moore @BethMooreLPM 10m
God cannot be unfaithful. He doesn’t call us to fruitless obedience. What you’re doing matters and not just now but to a future generation.

Man, if you can read that tweet and not realize how important TODAY is, check for a pulse!

If God has called you to the place you are in today, it will bear fruit. It will matter. Not only for now but for all eternity.

A few minutes later, I read this …

Crystal Stine ‏@CrystalStine 42m
This woman on Kelly & Michael just called herself a “full time professional grandma” with all the pride in the world. Love it 🙂

And just like that all the pieces fell into place!

This thing we call today is really all about tomorrow. Tomorrow so hinges on what we do with today.

“Let this be recorded for future generations, so that a people not yet born will praise the Lord.” (Psalm 102:18, NLT)

Let that sink in … today will affect those not even born yet. His Word was written and recorded for us before we were even a thought in our parents’ minds.

He gave His Word and commands “so that the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children.” (Psalm 78:6).

So from this day forward, my new title -  Full time professional Mimi.

May I take my role seriously and do my job of sharing His truths with these little ones He deposits into our family.

May we come to realize the power in a 140 character tweet and use those characters wisely.

Today I am joining Quitting Thurs. .