Each of us has been created with different bents and talents. We are so uniquely made, there will never be another one of us.
Each day we all do many various tasks, often feeling like a million things. We can do all of these because we are people, and as such, we are task oriented.
As we journey through life, our long list of tasks to do grows longer. Some are daily responsibilities we meet because others depend on us. At times, we just go through the motions.
And then there are those endeavors which cause us to come to life. Our eyes sparkle and our words are joy-filled as we speak of them.
It’s the moment we realize that this is one of the reasons we have been placed here on earth. It is what God created us to do. It’s our purpose.
Talent is a special natural ability or capacity to do something with excellence or success. It is what will waken you up in the night and fill you with hope beyond yourself.
Here’s what I am finding … sure, we can do a million things. But most probably, they will not all be done well. They will not all fill us with a deep seated sense of satisfaction and well being.
We must find that which He has created us to do; for that is the good work He has entrusted to us and we are responsible to do.
“Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you.”
(Henri Frederic Amiel)
I have been dwelling on a familiar verse lately:
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10, NASB)
Works planned in advance.
And when we use our talents …
We display God’s masterpiece.
So what has God entrusted to you today?
Come, sit a spell. Bring your coffee, your posts, and your thoughts. If you link up, kindly visit those who have drawn up a seat around you.
Image by Katharina Dolinski from Pixabay
As I read your post, I was pondering the balancing act that has defined my mothering and grandmothering life: most of what I do is mundane and repetitive, but it matters more to the people I serve than the work I feel “called” to.
It’s good for me to remember that I’d have nothing to write about if I failed to fulfill the “other” part of my callling.
Amen. We need to remember that we have been called to our families. The seasons change but our families are still to be our calling – whether children, grandchildren, or aging parents. Each “calling” is teaching me much, and changing me in unexpected ways. I’m grateful for the work each season brings to my life. Grateful for you, Michele!
Fascinating, Joanne. I find that my list of tasks grows shorter the older I get. And that’s fine with me because lots of the ones that remain give me a sense of purpose and often a sense of joy. And I hope that the way I do them gives Him pleasure.
Linda, your list may be shorter, but it is none the less one that ministers to others. I know I am most grateful for your posts and comments which bring much wisdom and encouragement to my life. Blessings!
The older I get, the more pressure I feel to be about those tasks that matter most. Yet I have to trust that He has ordained my days as well as my strengths, energy, and other responsibilities.
Barbara, you have shared a most important aspect of our callings – “He has ordained my days as well as my strengths, energy, and other responsibilities.” The Lord knows just what we are capable of doing, and He cares deeply for us.
“Works planned in advance.
And when we use our talents …
We display God’s masterpiece.” Love that as I look to finishing some assignments where I’ve begun to question my ability to finish well. Like swimming out into the middle of the pool and wondering if I have the strength to make it to the other side.
Joanne, I’ve always loved this verse, but it’s especially comforting to read it in a season where I’m not sure what God has for me to do long-term. There’s more urgency to figure that out since I’m not getting any younger, but at the same time, the next step is all I can do. Thanks for this encouragement this morning.