Every house we lived in needed some work. They weren’t fixer-uppers per se, but over the course of time, we knew they would need some changes.
We took the changes, one might call updates, little by little. We did them over the years, as money afforded, and time allowed. But never did we do them all at once.
Even now, when something big goes wrong, I can wonder if we should have had a new house. Meaning, a home where everything was brand, spanking new. Never used before. Then perhaps nothing would break down, or fail to operate. And then I remember.
“Failure can be a good thing.”
The words came out of my mouth recently. And they are true. We tend to view failure through the lens of embarrassment and hopelessness.
Much like when something breaks down in an older home. When the toilet won’t flush or the sink backs up, we must look for the reason. We can plunge, use drain declogger, snake the pipe, and eventually call a plumber.
Yet failure can bring about good changes. We are forced to look at the root cause.
Join me at Woman to Woman Ministries HERE and let’s talk about the changes which failure can bring about in our lives.
Image by Freddy from Pixabay
Today I may be joining … Remember Me Monday and Tell His Story
“Failure can be a good thing.” Indeed!
Finding the root cause makes all the difference! I’m glad the Holy Spirit can search our hearts and reveal those hidden roots.
I often learn the most when reflecting on a “failure” in life. God is good!