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Spending time in the last few chapters of Psalms has been so good for my soul. Sometimes we need to be encouraged to simply give God praise. Amen?

The heading on Psalm 146 in my Bible reads:”God Praised for His Help.” We receive help from God every single day. As we make decisions and choices, and as we read His Word, He is the source of all we need.

“How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, Whose hope is in the Lord his God.” (Psalm 146:5, NASB)

Psalm 148 brought the reminder that all of creation praises God. They all praise Him for they know “He commanded and they were created” (verse 5b, NASB). Creation acknowledges the very One who brought them to be.

The leaves are dropping so quickly now from the trees where I live. I’ve been watching them for a few days. Every single leaf on every single tree throughout all of time was commanded by our God to be created. This thought has astounded me.

And then Psalm 150.

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!”
(verse 6, NASB)

We praise God with our songs, our words, our actions, our lives. Every part of our being can be an act of praise and worship.

“As God breathed life into us, so are we to use that gift of breath to worship Him.”

(from Trust, by The Daily Grace Co., page 156)

Never did the gift of breath, and life, come to mean so much as during covid. As some family members came to struggle to breathe and overcome the virus, it became so obvious to me how we are dependent on our God for breath.

And with every breath,
our praise became even more of an offering to God.



Last week there were two posts whose thoughts centered around the wilderness. Both have stuck with me all week as I have gone back to read them several times. You will be encouraged as you read Donna Bucher’s post, “A Table in the Wilderness” and Natalie Ogbourne’s post “What is the Wilderness?“.




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Image by Muneeza bashir from Pixabay