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As for me, You uphold me in my integrity, And You set me in Your presence forever.”
(Psalm 41:12, NASB)

“Joseph was a righteous man who had cultivated a reputation for godliness in his community. Then word spread across the community that Mary, the woman to who he was engaged, was expecting a child … Yet he was a man of integrity, aware that God knew the truth of his relationship with Mary…


At times, God will be the only witness to your righteous behavior … At such times all you can do is maintain your integrity, trusting that God always keeps His eyes on you. God looks favorably upon those who walk with integrity, doing what they know is right, regardless of how others perceive their actions.


The most important thing is not that people know the truth. The most important thing is that you are a person of integrity before God … If you have this confidence, it will be enough for you.”


(from Experiencing God Day-by-Day by Henry T. Blackaby and Richard Blackaby, page 184)


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