We used to talk every single day. We were young mothers raising our daughters and we needed the support of one another.
The conversations were real and raw; we bared it all to one another through laughter and tears. Then it was all covered in prayer together before we hung up for the night.
Years have passed and we have changed much, and life has transitioned us to new and different places. But the bond has remained the same.
One morning last week, I just needed to hear her voice. To know she was alright and doing well. To laugh, to cry, and to know exactly for what I would be praying.
We need friendships. People we know will be with us through thick and thin. Those we know we can depend on, and who can depend on us.
We need to take confidentiality serious too. Those who share their deepest needs and hurts must know the only one we will share it with is God.
“Open not thine heart to every man, but deal with one who is wise and feareth God.
Let thy company be the humble and the simple, the devout and the gentle, and let thy discourse be concerning things which edify.
We must love all men, but not make close companions of all.”
(The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A. Kempis, The First Book, page 10)
Join me at Woman to Woman Ministries HERE and let’s talk about the bond and gift of friendships.
Image by Thatiana ThatuNunes from Pixabay
True friendship is a treasure.