Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this week is … Nothing.
Upon seeing the word prompt, the memory comes flooding to mind.
I cannot even count the number of times I sat in church and our pastor had us recite, motions and all … that neither height nor depth, nor anything at will ever be able to separate us from the love of God.
At times, we may have felt silly moving our arms in every direction, but oh the wisdom of our pastor to make sure the Scriptures would be indelibly imprinted in our hearts and minds. Never to be forgotten.
Yet there are times when the question lingers in my thoughts, “Can this separate me from God?”
And then I remember:
“For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39, NASB)
Paul was so confident in God’s love for him that he wanted all of us to live in this same confidence. He tells us in these verses that God will never stop loving us, His love cannot be taken away from us by anything, or anyone.
In a nutshell – God loves you just as much today as He ever has. Nothing can ever diminish, not add to, His love for you.
His love also wins out over everything and everyone. There is never a moment where we are ever unloved by God.
“If God hath loved me once, then He will love me forever.”
(Charles Spurgeon)
May we be convinced that
can ever separate us from the love of God.
Image by Elsemargriet from Pixabay
Today I may be joining …
Love the new look of the website!
I have done so much that’s wrong,
and I feel so very flawed
that sometimes i feel it’s a long
road to travel back to God.
The drunken bar-nights weren’t the worst;
there are things I’ll never tell
that even Satan thinks I’m cursed,
and would kick me outta hell,
but God, He would be waiting there
with band-aids, gauze and iodine,
saying, ‘Dude, I really care,
mostly, ’cause, y’know, you’re Mine,
but that White Lightning’s gotta go,
’cause you can’t handle it, y’know?’
Andrew, that is the absolute marvel of God’s love and grace – He is always, always there with us and for us!
What a wise pastor! Love the story and, more importantly, the point of it.
Love this reminder: “God will never stop loving us, His love cannot be taken away from us by anything, or anyone.”
We all need to be reminded nothing can separate us from God because life seems to make us forget.
I love the imagery of your congregation using hand motions to illustrate Romans 8:38-39!
It’s interesting to me how the memory has stuck with me down through the years. It has made me realize the power imagery has in our hearts. So many songs I learned as a child in church (Sunday School) have remained with me.
Smiling as I imagine the hand gyrations to go with the verse. 🙂 I did similar things growing up (and it did help me remember!). So grateful that our love and worth is always secure.
Such a comforting thought.
Isn’t it wonderful knowing that I don’t have to earn His love Ms. Joanne. I remind myself often though, I do need to do my best to be worthy. I never will be in this life, but it’s a goal we need to constantly work to.