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Comparison. We know it is a killer. Once it gets its roots into our hearts and minds, it breeds nothing good or beneficial.

We cannot please everyone. Some days it will feel like we cannot please anyone. And in choosing to live according to God’s Word and principles, we are to live only to please Him.

When we do, our lives will not compare to those around us.

We will be welcoming a new grandbaby into the world today. Perhaps by the time this is read, he will already have arrived. He will not compare to our first three grandbabies as they are girls.

And yet the questions will come into my head and probably out of my mouth:

  • “How much did he weigh?”
  • “How long was he?”
  • “What percentile does this put him in?”

He’ll be born into the family of a basketball coach, so excuse those important questions.

We use these percentiles as a means to define the rate of growth or progress, and the rate of movement as in keeping step.

Comparison creeps in from the moment we are born. Even when we know we need to keep from doing it, we do it. We all grow and develop uniquely, each at own own pace.

And this is true both physically and spiritually in our lives.


I hope you will join me at Woman to Woman Ministries HERE. Let’s talk about comparison so we don’t continue to fall into its trap.



Image by Tina Korsbæk Holm from Pixabay